All posts from Electronic Death Registration (EDR) : Arkansas Department of Health

Name of the Organization : Arkansas Department of Health
Type of Facility : Electronic Death Registration (EDR) :
State : Arkansas
Country : United States of America

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Electronic Death Registration (EDR) :

** The primary purpose of an EDR system is to enable the participants of death registration to file death records with local and state Registrars electronically.

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Related : Arkansas Department of Health Apply For Death Certificate :

** An EDR system provides for on-line access so that decedent fact-of-death and cause-of-death information can be registered electronically by multiple death registration participants working on the same case.

EDR System Features :
General features of the EDR system include :
** Highly secure and Internet-accessible
** Faster death registration, which will speed turnaround time for obtaining certified copies for families
** Available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
** Improves fraud prevention by using electronic authentication
** Improves timeliness and quality of death data
** On-line help and instructions built into the system
** Help desk support

For funeral directors :
** Can eliminate the need to physically track down medical certifiers
** Reduces errors by verifying the decedent’s SSN by automatically matching with SSA files.
** No longer need to file 721 form
** Allows the printing of forms at the funeral home, such as burial transit permits and cremation permits
** Supports electronic trade calls between funeral homes.
** Provides the capability to electronically order certified copies for the family

For medical certifiers :
** Reduces errors and rejection of death certificates
** Promotes uniformity of cause-of-death statistics
** Includes instructions for filling out cause-of-death
** Improves disease surveillance
** Automates referral to the medical examiner and/or coroner
** Allows electronic cremation approval
** Provides for electronic submission of supplemental cause-of-death information for pending investigations

Mail form to :
Attn – Erave,
Arkansas Department of Health,
4815 West Markham, Slot 19,
Little Rock, AR 72205

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