All posts from : Online Application For A Civil Union License

Name of the Organization : Hawaii State Department of Health
Type of Facility : Apply for Civil Union License
State : Hawaii
Country : United States of America

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Application Form :

Online Application For A Civil Union License :

I. Click “Apply for License” under “Applicants” at the top menu to bring up the first page of the data entry screen.
II. Enter information

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Related : Hawaii Department of Health Apply for Marriage License :

A. Partner A:
1. Name & Birth Information:
** First Name, Middle Name, Last Name: Enter full legal name; do not use abbreviations or initials.
** Suffix – Select from the drop-down list (e.g., Jr, Sr, I, II, etc.).
** SSN – (Social Security Number) Enter as 9 digits (hyphens generated automatically).
** Date of Birth – Select month and day from the drop-down list; enter the year as 4 digits.
** Country of Birth – Select a country from the drop-down list.
** City of Birth – Enter the city of birth. If the country of birth is “United States”, select the city from the pop-up box that comes up when typing the city so that the state is auto-populated in the state field.
** State of Birth – If U.S., select from the drop-down list; or the state will be auto-populated when selecting the city from the pop-up box.

2. Residential Information :
** Country – Select the country from the drop-down list.
** Address 1, Address 2 – Enter the street address in Address 1 and the apartment or suite number (if any) in Address 2.
** City, County – Enter the city and county. If the country is “United States”, select the city from the pop-up box that comes up when typing the city so that the county and state are auto-populated in the county and state fields.
** State – If U.S., select from the drop-down list; or the state will be auto-populated when selecting the city from the pop-up box.
** Province, Zip/Postal Code: Enter the province and zip/postal code.
** Click “Save & Continue” at the bottom of the page.

3. Father Information :
** First Name, Middle Name, Last Name – Enter full name; do not use abbreviations or initials.
** Country of Birth, State of Birth – Select from the drop-down list.
** Living – Select from the drop-down list.

4. Mother Information:
** First Name, Middle Name, Maiden Name (last name prior to first marriage) – Enter full name; do not use abbreviations or initials.
** Country of Birth, State of Birth – Select from the drop-down list.
** Living – Select from the drop-down list.

5. Supplementary Data :
** Is this your first marriage, other legally recognized union, or RBR? – Select “Yes” or “No” from the drop-down list.
** If “No” is selected, enter the following information –
** Number of this marriage/other legally recognized union/RBR – Select from the drop-down list.
** Last marriage/other legally recognized union/RBR ended by – Select – Divorce, Death, Dissolution, Annulment, or Termination – from the drop-down list.
** Date ended – Select month and day from the drop-down list; enter the year as 4 digits.

Who will be eligible to apply for a civil union :
Residency :
** There will be no state residence or U.S. citizenship requirements.

Blood Tests :
** Blood tests will not be required.

Age :
** The legal age to enter a civil union will be 18 years or older for both males and females.

Civil Union/Domestic Partnership :
** The new law establishes all unions entered into in other jurisdictions between two individuals not recognized under Hawaii’s marriage law shall be recognized as civil unions beginning January 1, 2012, provided that the relationship meets the eligibility requirement of Hawaii’s civil unions chapter, has been entered into in accordance with the laws of that jurisdiction, and can be documented. Those already in a domestic partnership or civil union in other jurisdictions who want to enter a civil union (either with another person than they are united to in the other jurisdiction or in a ceremony conducted by a Hawaii civil union performer) must first terminate the domestic partnership or civil union.

Marital Status :
** If previously married, proof of termination of that marriage must be presented to the civil union agent by the applicant if the divorce or death was final within 30 days of applying for a civil union license.
** Proof consists of a certified original divorce decree or a certified death certificate. Other credible proof of termination may be accepted at the discretion of the DOH.
** No Faxes Are Accepted.

Blood Relationship :
** A civil union shall not be entered into and shall be void between the following persons
** Parent and child, grandparent and grandchild, two siblings, aunt and nephew, aunt and niece, uncle and nephew, uncle and niece, and persons who stand in relation to each other as ancestor and descendant of any degree whatsoever.

Name of the Organization : Hawaii State Department of Health
Type of Facility : Apply for Civil Union License
State : Hawaii
Country : United States of America

Website :
Application Form :

Online Application For A Civil Union License :
I. Click “Apply for License” under “Applicants” at the top menu to bring up the first page of the data entry screen.

II. Enter information
A. Partner A:
1. Name & Birth Information:
** First Name, Middle Name, Last Name: Enter full legal name; do not use abbreviations or initials.
** Suffix – Select from the drop-down list (e.g., Jr, Sr, I, II, etc.).
** SSN – (Social Security Number) Enter as 9 digits (hyphens generated automatically).
** Date of Birth – Select month and day from the drop-down list; enter the year as 4 digits.
** Country of Birth – Select a country from the drop-down list.
** City of Birth – Enter the city of birth. If the country of birth is “United States”, select the city from the pop-up box that comes up when typing the city so that the state is auto-populated in the state field.
** State of Birth – If U.S., select from the drop-down list; or the state will be auto-populated when selecting the city from the pop-up box.

2. Residential Information :
** Country – Select the country from the drop-down list.
** Address 1, Address 2 – Enter the street address in Address 1 and the apartment or suite number (if any) in Address 2.
** City, County – Enter the city and county. If the country is “United States”, select the city from the pop-up box that comes up when typing the city so that the county and state are auto-populated in the county and state fields.
** State – If U.S., select from the drop-down list; or the state will be auto-populated when selecting the city from the pop-up box.
** Province, Zip/Postal Code: Enter the province and zip/postal code.
** Click “Save & Continue” at the bottom of the page.

3. Father Information :
** First Name, Middle Name, Last Name – Enter full name; do not use abbreviations or initials.
** Country of Birth, State of Birth – Select from the drop-down list.
** Living – Select from the drop-down list.

4. Mother Information:
** First Name, Middle Name, Maiden Name (last name prior to first marriage) – Enter full name; do not use abbreviations or initials.
** Country of Birth, State of Birth – Select from the drop-down list.
** Living – Select from the drop-down list.

5. Supplementary Data :
** Is this your first marriage, other legally recognized union, or RBR? – Select “Yes” or “No” from the drop-down list.
** If “No” is selected, enter the following information –
** Number of this marriage/other legally recognized union/RBR – Select from the drop-down list.
** Last marriage/other legally recognized union/RBR ended by – Select – Divorce, Death, Dissolution, Annulment, or Termination – from the drop-down list.
** Date ended – Select month and day from the drop-down list; enter the year as 4 digits.

Who will be eligible to apply for a civil union :
Residency :
** There will be no state residence or U.S. citizenship requirements.

Blood Tests :
** Blood tests will not be required.

Age :
** The legal age to enter a civil union will be 18 years or older for both males and females.

Civil Union/Domestic Partnership :
** The new law establishes all unions entered into in other jurisdictions between two individuals not recognized under Hawaii’s marriage law shall be recognized as civil unions beginning January 1, 2012, provided that the relationship meets the eligibility requirement of Hawaii’s civil unions chapter, has been entered into in accordance with the laws of that jurisdiction, and can be documented.

** Those already in a domestic partnership or civil union in other jurisdictions who want to enter a civil union (either with another person than they are united to in the other jurisdiction or in a ceremony conducted by a Hawaii civil union performer) must first terminate the domestic partnership or civil union.

Marital Status :
** If previously married, proof of termination of that marriage must be presented to the civil union agent by the applicant if the divorce or death was final within 30 days of applying for a civil union license.

** Proof consists of a certified original divorce decree or a certified death certificate. Other credible proof of termination may be accepted at the discretion of the DOH.
** No Faxes Are Accepted.

Blood Relationship :
** A civil union shall not be entered into and shall be void between the following persons
** Parent and child, grandparent and grandchild, two siblings, aunt and nephew, aunt and niece, uncle and nephew, uncle and niece, and persons who stand in relation to each other as ancestor and descendant of any degree whatsoever.

Where can I obtain my civil union license and where can I have my ceremony performed?
** You may obtain your civil union license from an agent authorized by the department to issue civil union licenses.
** Agents are located in each judicial circuit in the state.
** Once you have obtained your license you can have your civil union ceremony anywhere in the state, subject to applicable property usage limitations.
** You may obtain your civil union license from an agent authorized by the department to issue civil union licenses.
** Agents are located in each judicial circuit in the state.
** Once you have obtained your license you can have your civil union ceremony anywhere in the state, subject to applicable property usage limitations.

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