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Organization : Zambia Police
Facility : How to Get Police Clearance Certificate
Country : Zambia

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Get Police Clearance Certificate :

A Police Clearance Certificate is a certificate that is issued by the Zambia Police to clear anyone of criminal record. This certificate would indicate whether someone committed a criminal offence or not.

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The certificate would give details of such an offence if any, and when it was committed including the outcome of the offence from the court.

Who Requires A Police Clearance Certificate :
** For employment purposes. In most cases, the employer would require their employees to be cleared by the police before being confirmed into full time employment.

** Registration of societies. It’s a requirement for those registering societies to be issued with police clearance certificates.
** Board of directors.
** Firearm holders.
** In most cases when traveling outside the country.

Procedure :
** Fingerprints can be taken (lifted) from any police station within Zambia and outside the country.
** The Fingerprints then need to be sent to Zambia Police Headquarters in Lusaka at Fingerprints Department where the screening is done.

** Upon screening, the fingerprints are then sent to Criminal Records Office (CRO) within Headquarters for name search.
** The process usually takes a period of five working days upon submission. Thereafter, the police clearance certificate can be collected.

** Police Clearance Certificate outside Zambia for Zambians is K530.00, while non Zambians outside the country are required to pay K796.00.
** Zambians within Zambia is K56.00, while K530.00 is for non Zambians staying in Zambia.

** Registration of societies is K222.00.
** Board of directors is K112.00.
** Zambians traveling abroad is K112.00.

Fees : All fees are receipted by a gazetted Government general receipt.

Consequences Of Non Appearance Of An Accused After Being Granted Bond Or Bail :
** Forfeiture of the amount pledged
** If the bail was cash, the amount deposited will be forfeited
** Where the accused fails to appear before court, the surety must offer a reasonable explanation to the court

** Imprisonment in appropriate cases or if the amount pledged is not paid

** Where the accused jumps bail or bond without reasonable course, a Warrant of arrest is issued against the principle party and summons against the surety/sureties. Once the principle party is arrested, he /she would be required to pay a recognisance sum indicated in the Bail or Bond

** Where the surety/sureties disobey the summons, a warrant of arrest is issued and they will be remanded in custody until they recognisance fee is paid.

About Us :
** To prevent and detect crime, and enforce the law firmly and fairly in order to create a safe, secure and peaceful environment for social and economic development for all.

** To be “A professional and accountable Police Service that provides quality law enforcement services for a safer and secure Zambia”
** “To achieve a 50% reduction in the incidence of crime and 60% reduction in other offences by 2016.”

** We the Zambia Police Service shall uphold professionalism, integrity, accountability, confidentiality, impartiality, excellence,pro-activeness,teamwork and human rights in the execution of our duties.”

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