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How To Get Motor Vehicle Clearance : Zambia Police

Organization : Zambia Police
Facility : How To Get Motor Vehicle Clearance
Country : Zambia

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Motor Vehicle Clearance :

Requirements For Clearance Of Motor Vehicles
1. Physical inspection of motor vehicle by both Police and RTSA;

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2. Original and photocopies of the under listed documents
** Invoice;
** Customs Clearance Certificate (C.C.C);

** Release Order;
** Form CE 20;
** ZRA Final Receipt;

** Bill of Lading;
** Physical Inspection from RTSA;
** Either the NRC, Drivers Licence or Passport;

3. All motor vehicles registered in any of the SADC countries before being exported to Zambia must have :
** Letter of Sale
** Police Clearance (SARPCCO) and Registration Book from country where it was registered

4. Payment of K112.00=00 cash is required for each motor vehicle, receipted with a GRZ Receipt.

Who Qualifies To Hold A Firearm Licence :
** A person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years shall not purchase, acquire or have in his possession any firearm or ammunition, and no person shall sell, let on hire or give any firearm or ammunition to a person whom he knows or has grounds for believing to be under the age of twenty-one years.

** A FIT AND PROPER PERSON- such a person should be someone who is stable and responsible. That is, s/he is not violent, nor involved in domestic violence or abuse or dependent onalcohol or narcotics.

Requirements For Application For Issue Of Tourist’S Import And Export Permits :
** Filling in of application forms (form D) by the local safari company on behalf of the tourist.
** Attach photo copy of firearm licence from country of origin of tourist.
** Attach copy of the invitation letter from the local safari company
** NOTE:The application should be submitted before the applicant travels.

Snap Check Points :
** The officers mount snap check points within towns and on highways. All unroadworthy vehicles are completely removed from the roads, unlicensed drivers are charged, drunken drivers are charged and taken to court and any other law breakers are dealt with according to the specification of the law.

Highway Patrols :
** Officers on the highways conduct motorized patrols using motor bikes and motor vehicles.
They also:
** Prevent or minimize road traffic accidents on highways
** Clear obstruction on any part of the highway
** Ensure that Passenger Service Vehicle drivers abide by the regulations

** Educate motorists and other members of public on the highway
** Warn and charge erring motorists violating the Road Traffic Act
** Set up speed traps and charge motorists exceeding speed limits on the highways

** Deal with Road Traffic Accidents on highways and give prompt attention and care to victims of accidents
** Remove unroadworthy motor vehicles on highways

Speed Traps :
** Excessive speed is one of the major causes of Road Traffic Accidents where lives have been lost.

** Officers conduct speed traps and charge motorists exceeding maximum speed limits of the roads so that there is reduction in Road Traffic Accidents, eg 15.5% of the Road Traffic Accidents were caused by excessive speed in 2013.

About Us :
Zambia Police is one of the departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs whose main responsibility is to enforce the law against all forms of crime and disorder in order to maintain peace and order throughout Zambia.

Its headquarters is domiciled at plot number 3528 Ridgeway at the junction of Independence Avenue and Government road in Lusaka District of Lusaka Province.

The operational functionaries of the institution are known as divisions located in each of the ten provinces of the country and Special Support Groups which are State House, Paramilitary, Mobile Unit, Lilayi Police Training School, Protective Unit and Airports. The divisions are segmented into police districts, police stations and police posts.

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