evisa.mfa.uz Apply for Online Visa & Check Status : Uzbekistan
Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Facility : Apply for Online Visa & Check Status
Country : Uzbekistan
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Website : https://mfa.uz/en/
Check Status : https://mfa.uz/en/
Online Visa Application :
System requirements :
** Your Internet browser must support 128-bit encryption.
Related : Single Interactive State Services Portal Uzbekistan Issuance of Passport : www.statusin.org/8924.html
** If you are using Internet Explorer (Windows), the minimum version that will work with this site is version 8.0.
** If you are using Mozilla Firefox, the minimum version that will work with this site is version 3.0.
** If you are using Opera, the minimum version that will work with this site is version 10.
** Enable browser’s JavaScript to view page correctly.
** You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 to view and print the completed application form.
How to fill in a form :
** Enter the information requested into the appropriate spaces on the form. Please answer all questions.
** All information filled in must be in English only. Instead letters like A, O, a, c, g, n, u, s.
** Review the information you entered for accuracy.
** To fill a form for a next person (for group and in same visa data, up to 15 persons) press Add Next Person.
** Press the Print form button for printing.
** Print the form after it is returned to you and displayed in Adobe Acrobat and submit it to the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Check Visa Status :
Enter bar code or passport No, indicated in your visa application
Contact Us :
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Consular department
9, Uzbekistan Street, Tashkent, 100029
Based On This Agenda, The Ministry :
** works out proposals on matters of foreign policy strategy, protection and advancement of foreign political interests as well as general issues of international activities of Uzbekistan;
** coordinates the work of ministries, departments, institutions in their developing international relations with foreign partners;
** assists the development of foreign economic relations, establishment and broadening of contacts with international financial, economic and other organizations;
** conducts negotiations and concludes treaties and agreements with state bodies and agencies and foreign political institutions of other countries as well as international organizations;
** is a depositary of original texts of these treaties and agreements;
** presents state treaties and agreements for the ratification by Oliy Majlis;
** gets interstate treaties and agreements of Republic of Uzbekistan registered by the United Nations, filed or published;
** takes measures on ensuring the fulfillment of obligations of parties on state agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
** provides protocol and organizational support and logistics of the visits of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of Oliy Majlis, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to foreign countries in accordance with the Decree on State Diplomatic Protocol of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
** forms and sends official delegations of Republic of Uzbekistan for participation in international conferences, meetings of international and regional organizations;
** organizes and takes part in receiving official state delegations of foreign countries and conducts political, diplomatic, protocol and representation activities;