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All posts from IP & Trade Mark Search : Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

Organization : Hungarian Intellectual Property Office
Facility : IP & Trade Mark Search
Country : Hungary
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IP Search :

Please enter the following details to search the Intellectual Property,
1. Identifier
2. Title/Mark name

Related : National Tax & Customs Administration NAV E-Returns Hungary :

3. Names
4. Dates
5. Quick Search
6. Click on the Search button

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Trade Mark Search  :
What is TMview?
** TMview shows trade mark information.
It is:
** Free to use.
** Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
** Updated daily by the trade mark offices.
** Available in at least one official language of each integrated office.

How can TMview help you?
Use TMview to :
** Check the availability of your idea for a trade mark name.
** Find out the goods and services protected by your competitors’ trade marks.
** Receive updates on selected trade marks for: Change of status, change of name and end of opposition period.

Where does the trade mark data come from?
The trade mark data in the TMview application is provided exclusively by the participating trade mark offices. The participating trade mark offices can be found on the Home Page.

How often is the trade mark data updated?
The trade mark data in TMview is the sole responsibility of the participating offices, i.e. each participating trade mark office guarantees the accuracy of its own data provided and this data is therefore by agreement updated daily.

Why are there differences in the trade mark data provided by the participating trade mark offices?
Some offices do not provide certain trade mark data in their own register. Therefore this data cannot be searched in TMview for these offices.

Because searches can only be launched for all the offices at once, if you use in the advanced search a criterion not available for an office, TMview will show the results for this office, but without applying the mentioned search criterion to the results from this office. TMview will warn you when a search criterion is not available for an office.

About Us :
The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter referred to as “HIPO”; former name : Hungarian Patent Office; change of name effective from 1 January 2011 pursuant to Article 265 of Act CXLVIII of 2010) is the government office responsible for the protection of intellectual property established in 1896 by virtue of Article 23 of Act XXXVII of 1895 on Patents for Inventions.

Detailed rules concerning the legal status, the financial management, the responsibilities and the competence of the HIPO are contained in Articles 115/D to 115/L of Act XXXIII of 1995 on the Protection of Inventions by Patents (hereinafter referred to as the “Patent Act”) and in Act XLIII of 2010 on central state administrative organs and on the legal status of Government members and state secretaries (hereinafter referred to as the “CO Act”).

Contact Us :
Hungarian Intellectual Property Office,
H-1438 Budapest, PO Box 415

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