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All posts from e-Auction Registration Hungary : National Tax & Customs Administration

Organization : National Tax & Customs Administration
Facility : e-Auction Registration
Country : Hungary
Website :

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e-Auction Registration :

The Electronic Auction Surface (EAS – – Hungarian) is a virtual auction hall where the movable and real estate property seized in the course of procedures by the NTCA that subsequently came into the NTCA’s possession are auctioned off.

Related : National Customs Adminstration Issue of Tax Residence Certificate :

The public information of the auctions are available to everyone. The auction of one item begins on the starting date and lasts until the end date, offers are to be made within that time frame.

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The winner of the auction can receive the movable property in exchange for the auction price at the competent tax directorate. If a real estate property is auctioned off, the pre-condition of participation is the payment of a deposit indicated in the auction notice until the start of the auction.

Conditions of participation :
Participation in an electronic auction – either in person or via a representative requires registration at a Document Office (Client Gate) and log in at the EAS.

** Natural persons, legal persons and other organizations without legal personality (the latter through natural persons authorized for representation and acting on their behalf) may act as auction purchasers or bidders.

** Participants making offers in the auction and the auction purchaser will maintain their anonymity in the course of and following the auction with respect to third parties.

Registration :
According to separate legal regulations regarding the Central Electronic Services System (KR) a unique identifier and a secret password are required for the use of KR in order to participate in the auction (Client Gate).

** Creating a Client Gate registration is possible through personally appearing at the central authority keeping registry of the personal information and addresses of citizens, in the documentary office operated by the notary performing district centre tasks, at the state tax authority or at another authority defined in government regulation;

Or it can be electronically initiated in accordance with the government regulation if the method is suitable for certified identification.

A public organization authorized to create a Client Gate registration will offer every person who personally conducts procedures with them to create one and upon request will immediately create it too.

** Those users who have Client Gate registration can participate in the auction with their unique identifier and secret password previously received. Another registration is not required from them.

Log-in :
Log-in takes place on the EAS by using the password and identifier received for the KR system.

** In the course of logging in the data required for the identification of the natural person participating in the auction must be given (their tax ID code, name, date and place of birth, mother’s name, citizenship, address, place of stay, telephone number, e-mail address) must be given.

In case of legal persons, economic companies without legal personality or other organizations, the name of the legal (organizational) representative, their personal data, the name, seat and tax number of the company.

** In case of a foreign person, the number of the passport or residence permit and the country where the seat or the permanent address is located must also be indicated besides the natural identification data.

** A bidder does not enter into contact with either the debtor or the other bidders in the course of the auction.

** The tax authority handles the data of bidders in accordance with the rules pertaining to tax secrecy. Participation in the electronic auction is not allowed in the lack of a tax identification code.

When a bid is made the system generates a serial number for the users in each auction which functions as an identifier until the end of an auction.

The Rules of Operation uploaded to the Electronic Auction Surface) EAS contains the general and special rules of electronic auctions and the rules of running an auction in a detailed way.

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