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All posts from Apply for Good Conduct Certificate : Hungary

Organization : EUGO, Ministry of Interior
Facility : Apply for Good Conduct Certificate
Country : Hungary
Website :

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Apply Good Conduct Certificate :

The certificate of good conduct can be applied before creation and maintenance of a legal relationship (e.g. employment relationship)or in order to verify that the applicant complies with requirements defined by an act.

Related : Consular Service,MFA Obtaining Birth, Marriage, Divorce or Death Certificate :

Please ask your employer whether you need a certificate of good conduct or not, and in case the answer is yes, what kind of certificate do they need.

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The certificate of good conduct can verify that the individual :
** has not got any record in the register of convicted persons, and/or
** is not under the effect of deprivation of civil rights, and/or
** is not prohibited to exercise a profession or an activity, or
** complies with requirements defined by a Hungarian act.

The application can be submitted :
** by mail on an official application form,
** by phone via Government Customer Line 1818,

** electronically using the Client Gate at the Hungarian eGovernment portal, where Client Gate identification is required,
** personally at the Customer Service of the Criminal Records Authority in Budapest, in case of priority service,

** personally at Hungarian Embassies or Consulates abroad.
The certificate of good conduct is free of charge 4 times a year, but there is a consular fee, if the application is submitted at a Hungarian Embassy or Consulate abroad.

The certificate of good conduct is delivered :
** by mail as recorded delivery (in case the application was submitted by mail, by phone or via Client Gate)
** personally at the Personal Customer Service Centre in case of priority service,

** at the diplomatic or consular representation of Hungary.
Length of the process : 8 days (5 days in case of applying in person)


Where can I find information on starting up in Hungary and registering a company in Hungary?
General information on the procedures in case of Starting up in Hungary, including registering the company, is available under the menu ‘Starting a business in Hungary’ on the left side of the site.

Where can I find information on taxation?
General information on taxation can be found under the menu Doing business in Hungary

Where do I find information on the Services Directive?
General information on the Services Directive can be found in the link Services Directive on the top of this site.

How do I contact the Hungarian Point of Single Contact?
Editors of the Hungarian PSC site can be contacted HERE or by sending an e-mail to

How do I get information on the economic situation in Hungary?
A general overview of Hungarian geography, history, population, climate and economy can be found under the Key facts about Hungary menu.

How can I find direct links to English language content of the Hungarian public administration?
Links to ministries, governmental institutions and authorities can be found under the Useful links menu

How much does it cost to use the PSC?
PSCs are free of charge services provided by EU Member States.

About Us :
The Ministry of Interior is responsible for setting the general principles of eGovernment in Hungary, shaping the Government’s policies related to public administration IT development and service development, as well as coordinating the legislation related to electronic administration.

As part of its tasks the Ministry is responsible for the realization of the Hungarian PSC, the Hungarian member of the EUGO Network. The aim of the PSC is to assist entrepreneurs and enterprises who wish to set up a business or provide cross-border services in Hungary.

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