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Obtain Birth, Marriage Certificate Austria :

Organization : Help Austria
Facility : Obtain Birth, Marriage Certificate
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Help Austria Birth Certificate

The birth certificate, together with the marriage certificate [Heiratsurkunde], the partnership certificate [Partnerschaftsurkunde] and the death certificate [Sterbeurkunde] comprise the four main personal status documents in Austria.

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Such documents are excerpts from the personal status records (registries of births, marriages, partnerships and deaths) and show the essential contents of the entries contained in them.

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The birth certificate, in particular, contains the
** Name of the child
** Name of the parents
** Time and the place of the birth of the child
** Sex of the child

Please Note : If the child is adopted, only the foster parents are to be given as parents

Marriage Certificate :
The marriage certificate along with the birth certificate [Geburtsurkunde], the partnership certificate [Partnerschaftsurkunde] and the death certificate [Sterbeurkunde] are the four fundamental civil status documents.

The marriage certificate represents an excerpt from the marriage records kept at the registry of births, deaths and marriage [Standesamt] and shows their basic contents.

The marriage certificate contains
** the surnames and the first names of the husband and wife,
** academic degrees
** their surnames before the marriage ceremony,

** the day and the place of their births,
** optional the affiliation to a legally recognized church or church society and
** the day and location of the marriage ceremony.

Please Note :
Academic degrees and professional or similar titles are attached to one’s name in marriage certificates. The marriage certificate also contains the following :
** Dissolution, annulment of any previous marriages

** Any changes concerning the name in connection with the marriage (for example any possible double names, determination of the surname of the children originating from the marriage)

Registering to Get Married :
** You can register to have a civil marriage as early as six months prior to the desired wedding date, because the verification of marriageability is only valid for a maximum of six months. There is no minimum interval between registration and the marriage ceremony anymore. However, in larger cities expect an average waiting time of two to six weeks.

** Prior to the wedding the register office determines the marriageability of the fiancés during an oral interview with the help of the presented documents. During this oral trial usually both partners have to appear in person. Then a certification of marriageability [“Aufgebot”] will be prepared.

Please note :
** When registering for a civil marriage, the partners can declare to the registrar which name the couple intends to use when married. For that reason it is advisable to decide on the name desired before registering to get married. However, partners can still agree on the name either on their wedding day or during their marriage.

Fees :
** For the procedure to determine marriageability: 50 euro
** For submitting foreign certificates: 130 euro
** Additional fees: Federal administrative fee and possibly commission fees

Federal Administrative Fees :
** Marriage officiated by a registrar in an administrative office during office hours: 5.45 Euro
** Marriage officiated by a registrar in an administrative office outside office hours: 10.90 Euro
** Marriage officiated by a registrar outside administrative offices in the case of a life-threatening disease of one of the fiancés: 5.45 Euro
** Marriage officiated by a registrar outside administrative offices in all other cases: 54.50 Euro
** Additional services such as music might incur additional costs.

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