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All posts from : eTax Registration Barbados Revenue Authority

Organization : Barbados Revenue Authority
Facility : eTax Registration
Country : Barbados
Website :
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eTax Registration :

Please, enter the following information as required
1. National Registration Number (NRN. Only numbers, without dashes)

Related : File Your Tax Return Barbados Revenue Authority :

2. Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd)
3. First name (as registered in the electoral office)
4. Last name (as registered in the electoral office)
5. Email
6. Click on the Next Button

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Important Notice :
Taxpayers Are Asked To Note That The Tax Certificate Option Is Unavailable For The 2016 Income Tax Return.

In the Barbados Revenue Authority we care about taxpayer’s needs. We therefore invite you to use our new information system which provides fast, efficient and user friendly services. Minimum Requirements to use Online Tax Administration System

The Barbados Revenue Authority wishes to advise that the minimum requirements to use this system are as follows :
** Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or greater or Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or greater
** Adobe acrobat 8.0 or greater

It is important to note that all those programs are free to download and constitute widely used standards that you will be able to use with most web sites. If you don’t meet the requirements, most of the functionality, including the calculation of income tax returns will be unavailable.

Note :
Please note that the due date for the filing of Income Tax for the 2017 income year is 30th of April, 2018.

Am I required to submit copies of receipts and other vouchers to substantiate claims when filing?
Taxpayers are not required to submit original documents when filing. Since original documents may be subsequently requested, taxpayers are required to retain all original documents.

As an employee or a self employed person are National Insurance Contributions tax deductible?
NIS contributions paid by an employee or self employed person are not tax deductible.

As a tenant am I entitled to a deduction for rent paid on my tax return?
Deductions for rent paid were allowed up to Income year 2014, however with effect from Income year 2015 rental allowances are no longer applicable.

How do I dispute an assessment or reassessment?
** To dispute an assessment, you may object on-line (via the E-Tax website) within twenty-one days of receiving the Notice of Assessment, stating the precise ground (s) of your objection.

** If you are not satisfied by the decision of the Barbados Revenue Authority, you can appeal to the Appeals Tribunal or seek further recourse in the High Court.

What is Pay As You Earn (P.A.Y.E)?
** PAYE is a withholding tax which was introduced in Barbados in 1957 and simply means ‘Pay As You Earn’. Currently every employee who earns a wage or salary of more than $481 per week or $2083 per month is liable to PAYE.

** The P.A.Y.E. system allows the employee the privilege of paying his or her income taxes for an income year over a longer period than having to face paying a large tax bill when the return is filed.

** It is the best way for employed persons to meet their tax obligations without too much undue hardship as this system simply allows the employee the luxury of paying his or her taxes in fifty-two (weekly) or twelve (monthly) or manageable instalments.

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