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Organization : Invest in Morocco
Facility : One Stop Shop Service
Country : Morocca
Website : invest [dot] gov [dot] ma

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One Stop Shop Service :

** Invest in Morocco (AMDI), your partner for Investment and Business

Related : Procedure to Create a Company Morocco :

** With its network of international representations’ offices and the support provided by such institutional partners as (Ministries, Regional Investment Centers, local collectivities, sector-based agencies …) and private sector operators, Invest in Morocco (AMDI) offers you a free, professional, public service.

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** Within the same structure, it proposes a wide range of service and offers you such assistance as would allow you to carry through the development of your business activities in Morocco.

** It puts at your service a team of professionals which provide counseling services, assistance, and follow-through, as well as swift action.

InvestMorocco (AMDI) also strives to make you benefit from the best environment, such as would foster the development of your company :
** Proposing legislative and regulatory reforms related to investment and facilitation of administrative procedures;

** Taking care of the Secretariat of the Investments Commission;
** Serving as a lever in the implementation of the Industrial Acceleration Plan.

Support for SMEs :
The IMTIAZ-GROWTH Program, which falls in the framework of the implementation of the Industrial Acceleration Plan, seeks to support productive investment in order to stimulate growth, promote employment, and bolster industrial eco-systems. An investment subsidy is thus granted to selected small and medium-sized companies.

The program grants selected companies a material or immaterial subsidy to investment, including a partial or total acquisition of companies –notably, in the framework of mergers, acquisitions, and take-over—to the tune of 20% of the total investment and capped at five million Dirhams (5MDH) per development project. The self-financing of the recipient is set at a minimum of 20% of the overall investment.

Imtiaz Program aims to follow-through eighty (80) high-growth companies, annually, in the framework of a Growth Contract which spells out the respective commitments of the company and of ANPME, the modalities governing the release of the subsidy/premium, and the development objectives, as set by the recipient company or group of companies, on the one hand, and the areas and the modalities governing ANPME intervention.

About Us :
Invest in Morocco ( Moroccan Investment Development Agency) is the national body in charge of promoting and developing investment in Morocco. It was created in 2009.

Invest In Morocco is taking actions to promote communication and to publicize investment opportunities in Morocco and attract potential prospects. Invest In Morocco organizes seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.., for the sake of promoting domestic and foreign investment.

Invest In Morocco also aims to analyze, monitor and periodically publish the performance indicators related to investments, and to propose to government legislation and regulations that could support and encourage investment in the Kingdom.

Invest In Morocco also provides a professional and free public service to all investors. It also offers them a wide range of services in order to set up their business in Morocco through a professional team.

Contact Address :
Complexe Administratif et
Culturel de la Fondation
Mohamed VI sis Avenue Allal El Fassi,
Madinat Al Irfane,
Hay Riad – Rabat – Maroc
N° Invest Info : +212 5 37 22 64 00
Phone : + 212 537 22 64 00
Fax : + 212 537 67 34 17 / 42
Email : info AT

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