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MOI Iraq Electronically Read Iraqi Passport Online Application

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Interior General Directorate For Nationality
Type of Facility : Apply Online For Electronically Read Iraqi Passport
Country : Iraq

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Website : eservice [dot] iraqinationality [dot] gov [dot] iq

Related : MOFA Passport Issuance Iraq :

Instruction To Apply For Electronically Read Passport :

Peace be upon you Peace be upon you In order to provide you with the best services when you wish to obtain a machine-readable passport, we have worked on making the application for the machine-readable passport available through the internet; and we are pleased to inform you of the instructions and guidance required while filling out the mentioned application :

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A passport is in force for a period of  8 years from the date of its publication.

1. When selecting the passport page from the above website, and pressing on the sample form, you can fill out your own form, which includes :
a. Personal information
b. Complete address
c. Identification documents
d. You will fill out the form in the (Arabic and English) language or in the (Kurdish and English) Language.
e. The form must be filled out according to the information appearing on the ID (Civil Status Identification) literally; otherwise the application will be rejected.
f. In case there is no surname in the ID, the name of the third grandfather will be taken instead of the surname.
g. You must fill out the financial data fields represented by the number of the cheque, its date, the branch, the name of the bank, and the number of the branch.
h. After you verify the information, you must print out the form.

2. Go to the subsidiary directorate of passports within the area of your residence according to the official list prepared for this purpose by the above department or the Iraqi consulate, regarding Iraqis who are residing abroad in order to provide live fingerprint and the identification documents mentioned below : (the original copy of the applicant and his guardian, with another colored copy of them)
a. ID (civil status identification)
b. Certificate of the Iraqi nationality
c. A housing card for Iraqis residing inside Iraq; as for those residing abroad, their residence ID is required instead of the housing and supply card.
d. Photos x 2 with a white background and measurements of (45×35) mm, as instructed by the photos board
e. Certified cheque of 25000, twenty five thousand Iraqi Dinars or what is equivalent to that from the local currency of the foreign country, addressed to the accounts of the Iraqi consulate abroad regarding Iraqis residing out side the country.
f. Payment will be by cash amounted by 25000 twenty five thousand Iraqi Dinars or what is equivalent to that from the local currency of the foreign country, addressed to the accounts of the Iraqi consulate abroad regarding Iraqis residing out side the country.
g. We will provide you with a check-up form in order for you to receive the passport from the office of the passport affairs
h. directorate in Baghdad for those residing in Baghdad or from the office of the governorates passports for those residing in the governor ates or from the Iraqi consulate abroad for those residing out side the country.

Apply Online : eservice [dot] iraqinationality [dot] gov [dot] iq

3. Every Iraqi to obtain a passport
4. the student passport to appear before the competent officer passports and fill out the form prepared for this purpose.
5. to Iraqis , whether male or who was ( 18) eighteen years to obtain a passport without the need for a guardian’s permission.
6. may not issue a passport for those under the age of (18) eighteen him only with the consent of the guardian or guardian.
7. dependent Iraqi nationality certificate for the father to his sons or daughters of minors who were under the age of ten (10) years for those who did not get them a certificate of Iraqi nationality.
8. Do not rely identities of Civil Affairs issued before ten years from the date of submission of the application inside Iraq and fifteen years for the date of submission of the application outside of Iraq also may not rely on the identities of the Civil Status , which do not carry a picture or damaged identities.
9. the Guardian , who is outside the Republic of Iraq to send approve the issuance of passports to minor children who were inside Iraq by the Iraqi embassy in that country for the purpose of sending to the Directorate of Passports .
10. If you’ve got a machine-readable passport from Edition (G) before this passport , you can not apply for another passport unless the validity period expires or the end of the pages of your passport.
11. belonging to a court of inquiry to consider the issues of Karrada loss Iraqi passports in force in the case of being a resident outside Iraq, you should tell the Iraqi embassy for the purpose of taking legal action.
12. A passport is in force for a period of (4 years) from the date of its publication for those under the age of fifteen years.

Passport Offices:
In Baghdad:
eservice [dot] iraqinationality [dot] gov [dot] iq
In Governorates: eservice [dot] iraqinationality [dot] gov [dot] iq

1 Comment
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  1. Kakil Ibrahim Rasul

    Salamo alikom ,How can we get application form for passport?

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