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Tubitak Bideb Application & Monitoring System Turkey

Name of the Organization : Tubitak
Type of Facility : Bideb Application & Monitoring System
Country : Turkey

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MOE e-Visa Turkey Electronic Visa Application System :

Tubitak Bideb Application And Monitoring System :

** Using this system, you can get information about BIDEB Programs, make an application, and check the status of your application.

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Enter TC Identity / Password and press Login button to get the Bideb application

** If you want to apply one of the programs which are available for application or if you want to get information about programs you applied before, you must first login to our system.

Log In with Username and Password :
If you have an ARBIS account, enter ARBIS password to the “Password” field. If you do not have an ARBIS account, enter the password you used to log-in to e-BIDEB before. If this is the first time you try to log in to the application press ‘New User Registration’ button and fill in the new user registration form.

Required Software :
Acrobat Reader : (For all users)
You need pdf viewing software installed on your computer.
Java Software (JRE) : (For users who use E-Signatures)
It is necessary for the software that enables you to create an electronic signature to work.

Smart card and card reader drivers : (For users who use E-Signatures)
** In order to be able to create an electronic signature, your secure digital signature creation tool, which is included in your signature certificate, must be seen by your computer.

** If you are using a smart card / card reader pair, you need to install the necessary software for both the card reader and the smart card (if you are using a Token you only need to install the token).

** The zip file you download by clicking on the link contains the driver software required for some hardware models that the Public Certification Center is currently providing. For different models, please visit the company website where you supply your equipment (card, card reader etc.) or contact the company authorities.

PDF Creator :
It is free software that allows you to convert your documents into PDF format and reduce the size of your existing PDF documents when needed. You can access the document explaining basic usage features such as converting and compressing the software to PDF format from here.

Solutions for Electronic Signature Problems :
If the electronic signature application is opened and a “Smart Card Not Accessible” error is received after pressing the “Sign” button, or the message “Smart Card Access” is displayed continuously;

During the signing process, when you open the java signature application, a java icon will appear in the “system tray” section in the lower right corner of your screen. Right-click this icon and open “java console” and follow the steps below according to the message you wrote

If the console says that the file esyajni.dll can not be copied to the system directory :
** These steps apply to the Windows Vista Operating System.
** These steps apply to the Windows 7 Operating System.

BIDEB Correspondence Address :

Tunus Caddesi No :80 06100

1 Comment
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  1. File for recommending me for 2215 – Graduate Scholarship Programme for International Students – (2215 – Yabancı Uyruklular Lisansüstü Burs Programı)
    To Whom It May Concern

    This is to state that my students/ Ahmed Gamaleldin Abdelhameed Elshaarrawi, was one of the distinguished members of M.Sc. student in the Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt.
    I came to know Ahmed personally since two years ago, I taught him two courses Histology & techniques while he was undergraduate student and also advanced histology course (in master program) in the two courses he was excellent. I came to know Ahmed personally since he was an instructor in Zoology Department (2011/ 2012) and also through various social and scientific functions at the University of Alexandria. It was very easy for me since that time up till now to trace his scientific as well as personal career.
    Ahmed distinguishes himself with scientific thinking and extraordinary capability of solving problems; he is of a high caliber, independent, helpful and hard working. Besides being keen and conscientious he distinguishes himself among his colleagues with a pleasant and popular personality and open mind, so he is admired by his colleagues and students alike.
    For the above mansion reason I highly recommended him for the award of ……

    Professor Dr/ Nabila E. Abdelmeguid
    Professor of Cell Biology & Histology
    Zoology Department, Faculty of Science,
    Alexandria University

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