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Hong Kong Housing Authority Public Rental Housing (PRH) Application/Allocation Status Check Online

Name of the Organization : Hong Kong Housing Authority
Type of Facility : Check Public Rental Housing (PRH) Application/Allocation Status Online
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China

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Related : Hong Kong Housing Authority Public Rental Housing Application :

PRH Application/Allocation Status :

Public rental housing (PRH) applicants who have successfully registered on the Waiting List can check the latest allocation status.

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Applicants must respond to all enquiries raised by us regarding their applications within the time specified.

Check Status Here :…tus/index.html

Note :
** Any change of address, family particulars, or in the choice of districts, etc. should be reported to us immediately. Failure to do so may affect an applicant’s chance of flat allocation.
** Waiting List applicants under the Elderly Persons Priority Scheme, Families with Elderly Persons Priority Scheme, who opt for one flat in the Harmonious Families Priority Scheme, or with a Waiting List application number not exceeding G1285792 / U0276927 (i.e. Waiting List applications with date of registration or equivalent date of registration on or before 30 September 2011) may choose for allocation of public rental housing (PRH) unit located in the urban area (including Hong Kong Island and Kowloon).
** The highest numbers of applications on the Waiting List who have accepted public housing offers shown in Table 2 are for reference only. Owing to different circumstances of individual applications, applications with numbers registered before the highest application numbers shown in Table 2 may not have been offered a flat due to various reasons, e.g. not fulfilling the residence rule, addition or deletion of family members, special allocation needs recommended on health or family grounds, re-vetting of eligibility by us, etc.
** The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA)’s target is to maintain the average waiting time (AWT) for general applicants at around three years. Waiting time refers to the time taken between registration on the WL and first flat offer, excluding any frozen period during the application period (e.g. when the applicant has not yet fulfilled the residence requirements; the applicant has requested to put his/her application on hold pending arrival of family members for family reunion; the applicant is imprisoned, etc). The AWT for general applicants refers to the average of the waiting time of general applicants housed to PRH in the past 12 months. The AWT target of around three years is not applicable to applicants under the Quota and Points System (QPS).
** Waiting List applicants whose eligibility for allocation of PRH has been established (excluding those who are ex-owners/ex-joint owners or former recipients of Subsidized Home Ownership Schemes) may apply for Green Form Certificate (GFC) for purchase of a flat under the Subsidized Home Ownership Schemes of the Hong Kong Housing Authority or the Hong Kong Housing Society in lieu of allocation of PRH. The GFC is valid for one year from the date of issue, and PRH allocation will be withheld within the validity period of the GFC. Application for GFC can be made in person or in writing to the Applications Sub-section at Podium Level 2, Hong Kong Housing Authority Customer Service Centre, 3 Wang Tau Hom South Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon. Upon receipt of full information by the applicants, we will conduct vetting and inform the applicants as to whether they are eligible for GFC in about one month.

Noteworthy item :

** Among the large number of public rental housing (PRH) flats, it is inevitable that a small number of them had been affected by special circumstances. More serious ones involved suicide, homicide or accidental death inside the flat. Others were once affected by loan shark harassment or serious drainage backflow. This type of flats may have psychological effect on the applicants. Based on the principle of rational allocation of public housing resources, we will allocate these flats together with other PRH flats through random computer batching to public housing applicants. If this type of flats is being allocated to an applicant, we will inform the applicant of the special circumstance(s) related to the flat in the offer letter.
** These flats with special circumstances may have their merits in terms of district, transport network, ancillary facilities, layout, environment or orientation etc. If an applicant is informed of the allocation of this type of flats in the offer letter, we suggest the applicant to go to the estate for a flat inspection. The applicant may also contact the estate office concerned for related information on the special circumstance and to learn more about the flat before making a decision as to whether to accept the offer. If the applicant finally decides to refuse such a flat, the allocation will not be counted as a valid allocation (except for flats self-selected through the various flat selection schemes such as Express Flat Allocation Scheme; Territory-wide Overcrowding Relief Transfer Scheme and Living Space Improvement Transfer Scheme for which the applicants have prior knowledge of the special circumstance(s)).
** This Department will maintain lifelong data for flats with suicide, homicide, or accidental death which occurred inside the flat. Regarding other types of incidents, this department will remove the records after a reasonable duration from the occurrence of the incidents. For example, record on “ex-tenant died inside flat for reason of sickness” will be removed after 10 years; loan shark harassment record will be removed after two years if no similar incident recurs.

Contact :
If you have any questions about the application process, call the Housing Authority Hotline on 2712 2712.

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