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INEC Nigeria Polling Units/Stations View Online

Name of the Organization : Independent National Election Commission
Type of Facility : View Polling Units/Stations Location Online
Country : Nigeria

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Independent National Polling Units

At a polling unit, a citizen can either register to vote or vote. It is advisable to select a Polling Unit close to your area of residence due to the restricted movement on election days. You can locate your polling unit by using the Polling Unit Locator Tool.

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Related : INEC Nigeria Voter Registration Status Check :

INEC Citizens Contact Centre Phone numbers : 07098116381, 07098115257, 07098117563 and 07098110916.

To view your polling unit, follow the steps below :
** Select State (This is the state you would be voting in)
** Select LGA (This is the LGA in which you live)
** Select Ward
** Click “Search”

View Here :

View Polling Unit Map :
To view your Polling Unit using a map, Clik the link given below.

View Map :

FAQs :
What do the letters “INEC” stand for?
Independent National Electoral Commission.
When was the Commission established and how?
The Commission was established on 5thAugust, 1998 by Decree No. 17 of that year by the Federal Military Government.

Where can I find the law establishing INEC?
Section 153 of the 1999 Constitution.
What do the letters “SIEC” stand for?
State Independent Electoral Commission. (Each state has one to conduct its Local Government elections).

What does the letters “EMB” stand for?
Election Management Body. (This is the body that conducts elections).

How many Election Management Bodies do we have in Nigeria?
There are thirty seven (37) EMBs in Nigeria; i.e. INEC and thirty six (36) States Independent Electoral Commissions (SIECs).

What are the functions of INEC?
(a) Conduct elections to elective offices except those of Local Government Areas of the thirty six (36) States of the Federation
(b) Compile and maintain the register of voters;

(c) Conduct any referendum required in line with the 1999 Constitution or any other Act of the National Assembly;
(d) Promote knowledge of sound democratic election processes;

(e) Conduct voter and civic education;
(f) Delimit electoral constituencies;(g) Register and de-register political parties;
(h) Monitor the organization and operations of all political parties;

(i) Arrange for annual examination and auditing of the finances of political parties
(j) Monitor the campaigns of political parties;

(k) Carry out recall proceedings where electors can remove an elected representative in State or National Assembly from office if they are not satisfied with the representative’s performance;
(l) Provide rules and guidelines for the operation and conduct of political parties;

How many persons make up the Commission?
The Commission is made up of thirteen (13) members: the Chairman and twelve (12) National Commissioners.

INEC Citizens Contact Centre :

The Centre can be accessed through telephone lines, Facebook, Twitter and INEC’s website.

Facebook : (INEC Nigeria)
Twitter handle : @inecnigeria

1 Comment
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  1. Please forward all the units with their codes in Uyo local government area of Akwa Ibom State.

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