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Service Canada Electronic Records of Employment (ROE) Issuance

Name of the Organization : Service Canada
Type of Facility : Records of Employment (ROE) Issuance
Country : Canada
Website :…oe/index.shtml

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Service Canada Records of Employment

** A Record of Employment (ROE) provides information on employment history. It is the single most important document used by employees in establishing a claim for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.

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** If you are a Canadian employer, contact the Employer Contact Centre to order paper ROE forms.

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** Service Canada uses the information on the ROE to determine whether a person is eligible to receive EI benefits, what the benefit amount will be, and for how long the benefits will be paid. We also use the ROE to ensure that no one misuses EI funds or receives benefits in error. Service Canada keeps ROEs for 11 years, in accordance with the Access to Information Act, the Privacy Act and Info Source.

** As an employer, you are required to issue an ROE each time one of your employees experiences an interruption of earnings.
** There are two main ways you can issue ROEs : electronically or on paper. Electronic ROEs are more efficient than paper ROEs.

Electronic ROEs
You can issue electronic ROEs using one of the following :
Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) :
ROE Web is a secure, Web-based application that enables you to create, submit, and amend up to 1,200 ROEs at once. With ROE Web you save time, reduce your paper burden and improve the quality and accuracy of your ROEs. ROE Web also gives you the flexibility of issuing your ROEs according to your own pay cycle.

Record of Employment Secure Automated Transfer (ROE SAT) :
ROE SAT is a system used by large companies, primarily payroll service providers, to submit ROEs (up to 10,000 at once) in a secure electronic format.

Note : Information for individuals
To view your electronic Record of Employment issued by an employer to Service Canada, you will need to sign-in to My Service Canada Account.

Paper ROEs
If you are unable to use an electronic method, you can issue ROEs using paper forms.

What do I do with each copy of a paper ROE form :
** Give the 1st copy (the original) to your employee as proof of insurable earnings for claiming EI benefits.
** Send the 2nd copy (blue) to Service Canada as indicated on the form.
** Keep the 3rd copy (white) in your files for 6 years.

How do I order paper ROE forms :
** If you are a non-Canadian employer, your place of business registered and operating within Canada must contact the Employer Contact Centre to order paper ROE forms.

When you call, you will be asked to provide the following information :
** Your 15-character payroll account number (PAN) issued by the Canada Revenue Agency
** The name, address and telephone number of your business.

Note :
Please note that we no longer accept orders for paper ROE forms by fax.

How to request a copy of an already issued paper ROE :
Service Canada retains ROEs for 11 years. After 11 years, ROEs are destroyed and therefore no longer available.

To request a copy of an already issued ROE, send us the following information by mail or fax :
** Your business name, address – and mailing address, if different – and phone number
** Your 15-character PAN issued by the Canada Revenue Agency
** Name and Social Insurance Number of employee(s) for which ROEs are requested
** Year(s) for which ROEs are requested
** Reason for request
** Your signature

Mail :
Record of Employment copy request
Service Canada
PO Box 14000
Bathurst (NB) E2A 5A3

Fax : 1-506-548-7149

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