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Organization : Personal Data Protection Commission
Facility : Apply for a DNC Checking Account
Country : Singapore
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Apply DNC Checking Account Singapore

To apply for an account to check phone numbers before sending telemarketing messages,

Related : Do Not Call Registry Consumer Online Registration Singapore :

The following information will be required for account creation :

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For Organisations Registered in Singapore For Individual Persons For Organisations Registered Overseas
** Your CorpPass ID or SingPass ID

** Your organisation’s Unique Entity Number (UEN).

** Your SingPass ID ** A copy of your company registration details and a phone/utility bill that is addressed to your company or company registered address. These two documents need to be scanned and uploaded.

Note :
** If you do not have a CorpPass ID, please visit to apply for one.
** If you do not have a SingPass ID, please visit to apply for one.
** If you do not know your organisation’s UEN, please visit to find out.

A one time account creation fee will be charged for each account created. Payment can be made through the following online methods
** Credit/Debit Card (VISA, MasterCard and Amex)
** Internet Banking (DBS, UOB, OCBC and CitiBank)

If you are unable to pay using the above methods, please contact us at info [AT] or 6377 3131, before creating your account.

To start, please select an account type, read the terms and conditions and then tick the checkbox below, before clicking on the Proceed button. You will then be asked to login using your SingPass, before you can proceed.

The account creation process will takes about 15 minutes for Organisations Registered in Singapore and Individual Persons. For Applications by Organisations Registered Overseas, your request will be reviewed within 5 working days.

Checking the Registry

There are three DNC Registers for :
** No Voice Call Register – for phone calls;
** No Text Message Register – for texts including Short Messaging Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS); and
** No Fax Message Register – for faxes.

Under the PDPA, your organisation will need to check the relevant Register(s) before sending telemarketing messages. Only 8-digit numbers starting with 3, 6, 8 or 9 will be accepted by the DNC Registry for checking.

At the DNC Registry website, there are two methods to submit telephone numbers for checking :
** Small Number Lookup
** You may enter up to 10 telephone numbers at a time. Results will be displayed immediately.
** Bulk Filtering

** You may submit as many telephone numbers as required by uploading a CSV file containing a single column of 8-digit telephone numbers (click here for a sample of the CSV file to be uploaded).

Results will be available within 24 hours. An email and/or SMS will be sent to notify you when the results are ready.

The following result files will be available for download :
** Filtered Numbers – the list of submitted numbers together with their status in each Register. Rejected numbers will not be listed in this file.
** Summary – a summary of the submission.

** On Behalf List – the list of organisations that you are checking on behalf of, as at the time of submission. This file will be empty if your On Behalf List is empty. Click here for a sample file.

** Rejected Numbers – the list of submitted numbers that could not be processed, together with the reason why each number was rejected. This file will be empty if all numbers were processed successfully. Click here for a sample file.

Telephone numbers submitted will be checked against all three DNC Registers. There will be a charge for each number checked, regardless of whether the number has been submitted before.

Free credits allocated will always be used first to offset any charges incurred for checking the DNC Registry, followed by purchased credits.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will my telephone number registered with the DNC Registry expire?
Registration of telephone numbers on the DNC Registry does not expire. Your registration will only be removed when you terminate your number, or when you remove your number from the DNC Registry.

2. Do I have to pay to register my telephone number with the DNC Registry?
Registration with the DNC Registry is free-of-charge.
3. When did the DNC Registry come into effect?
The DNC provisions came into effect on 2 January 2014.

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