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Organization : Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Facility : Bill of Sale Registration
Country : Singapore
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MBA Bill of Sale Registration Singapore

The Bill of Sale is executed when there is a transfer of ownership of a Singapore vessel or shares therein. The Bill of Sale must be produced for the registration anew of the vessel upon change in ownership.

Related : Maritime & Port Authority Permanent Registration Singapore :

Required Documents

1. Download and complete the Bill of Sale.
2. Every Bill of Sale for the transfer of a Singapore vessel or any share therein must be produced for registration and will be registered in the order of production if there is more than one Bill of Sale.

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3. Where the transferee is a person qualified to own a Singapore ship (refer to Prerequisites for ship registration) :
** The Bill of Sale must be in the prescribed form.

** The ship must be registered anew within 60 days of the date on which the Bill of Sale (or the first Bill of Sale if there is more than one Bill of Sale) is registered, failing which the registry will be closed by operation of the law.

** The Bill of Sale will not be recorded if there are subsisting mortgages (unless the mortgagee has given consent in writing), unpaid fees, outstanding claims of the master or seamen, or any subsisting court order prohibiting any dealing with the vessel.

4. Where the transferee is not a person qualified to own a Singapore vessel :
** Registration of the Bill of Sale will result in the closure of the registry.
** The Certificate of Registry, if not submitted, must be surrendered within 60 days of the date on which the Bill of Sale is registered.

** The Bill of Sale will not be recorded if there are subsisting mortgages (unless the mortgagee has given consent in writing), unpaid fees, outstanding claims of the master or seamen, or any subsisting court order prohibiting any dealing with the vessel.

5. A fee of S$50 is payable for the registration of a Bill of Sale.

Explanatory Notes

** Every transfer of a Singapore ship or any share therein to a person who is qualified to own a Singapore ship (ie a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore or a body corporate incorporated in Singapore) must be made in this form.

** Every bill of sale of a Singapore ship or any share therein must be produced to the Registrar of Singapore Ships for registration. If there are more than one bill of sale, they will be recorded in the order they are produced.

Where a Singapore ship or any share therein is transferred to a person qualified to own a Singapore ship, registration anew or closure of the ship’s registry must be effected within 60 days of the date the first bill of sale is recorded, failing which the ship’s registry will close by operation of the law.

An application to close the ship’s registry may be made by the registered owner or the transferee.

** Where a Singapore ship or any share therein is transferred to a person not qualified to own a Singapore ship, the bill of sale will not be accepted for registration if the ship is not free of encumbrances.

On the registration of such a bill of sale, the ship’s registry will close by operation of the law and the registered owner has 60 days to surrender the ship’s Certificate of Singapore Registry. Failure to do so is an offence.

** A bill of sale which is signed by a person under power will not be accepted for registration unless accompanied by the power of attorney and a copy of it.

** Owners are advised that entries (including those relating to bills of sale) in a Singapore ship’s register, except for clerical or obvious mistakes, may not be corrected without an order of the High Court.

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