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University of British Columbia Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award 2015 Canada

Name of the Organisation : University of British Columbia
Name of the Scholarship : Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award 2015
Location : British Columbia
Country : Canada
Application Deadline : December 10, 2014

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Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award :

The Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award recognizes outstanding international undergraduate students from impoverished or war-torn areas, who have achieved academic excellence under difficult circumstances and who would be unable to pursue post-secondary education without financial assistance.

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Related : University of British Columbia International Leader of Tomorrow Award Canada :

Value of Awards :
The value of awards is commensurate with demonstrated financial need, and sufficient to cover tuition costs for the relevant program of study, and living expenses. A Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award can be renewed for up to three additional years of undergraduate study, or to degree completion, whichever is less, provided the recipient achieves satisfactory academic standing in their faculty, continues to demonstrate financial need, and maintains their Canadian Study Permit (visa).

Eligibility :
All candidates must be nominated for a Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award. To be eligible, nominees must be international students entering university directly from secondary school and eligible to study in Canada on a Canadian study permit. They must also demonstrate superior academic achievement (‘A’ average or equivalent standing) and meet UBC’s other competitive admission requirements.

Nomination :
Recognized international, community-based, and non-governmental organizations may nominate candidates. The nomination form will be available for download from this site mid-August, 2014.

Deadline :
Nomination packages must be postmarked by December 10, 2014. Nominees must also complete the online application for academic admission to UBC, and meet the UBC English Language Admission Requirement by December 10, 2014. Although applicants to UBC can specify two program choices in their application for admission, an ISHA nomination will be considered only in relation to the nominee’s first choice program.

International Student Initiative :
Brock Hall 1200 – 1874 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1

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