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UNIVPM Master’s Degree Scholarships For International Students 2014-2015 Italy

Name of the Organisation : Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM)
Name of the Scholarship : Master’s Degree Scholarships For International Students 2014-2015
Country : Italy
Application Deadline : 06/09/2014 & 28/11/2014

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Master’s Degree Scholarships For International Students :

** The Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) offers 10 scholarships to International students who, for the academic year 2014/15, will matriculate in the first year of the Master’s Degree in International Economics and Commerce (IEC).

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** Are considered International students all foreign nationals, including Italians with double citizenship
** Matriculation refers to the first enrollment in the first year of the course of study. The transfers from other courses are not considered matriculations.
** The annual amount of the scholarship is 7.200 euro per year, gross.
** The scholarship can be renewed for the academic year 2015/2016 subject to the conditions
** In addition to the scholarship holder will be made available accomodation in the facilities of the UNIVPM and will be exempted from the payment of that part of the tuition fee that is the contribution to university services.

Incompatibility :
** The scholarship cannot be combined with other scholarships granted by UNIVPM or the Marche Region
** However, the scholarship is compatible with other programs designed to sustain students’ income such as UNIVPM student part time work (programma 150 ore), tutorship, international mobility, fees exemption if due.

Beneficiaries :
Have the right to apply International students who :
** are foreign nationals;
** have submitted the pre-application for admission to the Master’s Degree in International Economics and Commerce (IEC) for the academic year 2014/2015 according to the procedure available at…ional-students
** have been admitted to the Master by the Admission Committee.

Applications :
The application for participation in the selection must be made using the form attached to this Public Selection Announcement (Doc.1). It must be signed and sent by 12.00. midnight (Italian time) of the :
** 06/09/2014 for students who have made the pre-admission application by 04/09/2014
** 28/11/2014 for students who have made the pre-admission application by 27/09/2014

By means of :
** fax to the following number : 0039 0712202471;
** or alternatively direct delivery to Ufficio Ripartizione Organizzazione Didattica e Diritto allo Studio, Via Oberdan n° 12, 60122 Ancona abiding by the opening hours to the public : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11.00 – 13.00; Wednesday from 15.00 – 16.30.

Download Form Here :…ation_Form.rtf

Note :
** The date and time for receipt of the applications are attested by the date and time of the fax (Italian date and time) or, for direct delivery, by the receipt issued by the Office
** Applications received after the above time and dates will not be taken into consideration.
** A copy of passport or ID must be attached to the application.
** The University Administration is not liable for the unsuccessful delivery of documentation due to third parties or technical causes.
** The University Administration at any time can exclude candidates from taking part in the selection if they do not have the necessary requisites.

Candidate Assessment :
The Admission Committee will evaluate the candidates according to the following criteria :
** assessment of his/her academic career
** CV demonstrating the candidate’s education and professional experience
** motivation letter
** result of the admission interview

Selection Results :
The Admission Commission will draw up two separate lists of candidates in decreasing order of merit.
a) the first relating to candidates that have submitted their application for scholarship by 06/09/2104 (1st intake)
b) the second for candidates who have submitted their application by 28/11/2014 (2nd intake)

Note :
** Scholarships will be bestowed on candidates who have obtained a score of 70/100 and over.
** Scholarships not assigned in the first round will be made available for the second round of application.
** If two candidates have the same score, preference will be given to the younger candidate.
** The list of winners will be published on the site and on that of the Università Politecnica delle Marche website at the following address…sse-e-benefici as from 10th September 2014 for the first intake and 4th December 2014 for the second intake.
** This publication is equivalent to a notification to all intents and purposes. Applicants will not receive any further communication

Scholarship Acceptance :
** Winners must send their acceptance of the scholarship to the Ufficio Ripartizione Organizzazione Didattica e Diritto allo Studio within 10 days of the publication of the list of winners. Moreover he/she must declare expressly that he/she does not meet with the incompatibility conditions set out in article 2 above and declare that he/she will communicate any change of his/her status.
** The actual payment of the scholarship is subject to the enrolment in the Master Degree in International Economics and Commerce
** For the purposes of enrolment, the student must observe the rules and deadlines set by the University, as well as the ministerial regulations available on the website

Payment Of Scholarship :

The scholarship is for one year and will be paid in three installments.

The payments will be made as shown in the table below :

1st installment by the end of October


by the end of December

€2,400.00* for the beneficiaries of the first intake (September 2014)

for the beneficiaries of the second intake (December 2014)

2nd installment by the end of Marchby the end of June €2,400.00* 1st intake2nd intake
3rd installment by the end of Julyby the end of September €2,400.00* 1st intake2nd intake

Note :
** The payment of the first installment is subject to the receipt of the set of forms duly completed by the scholarship holder. These forms are provided by the Uffico Ripartizione Organizzazione Didattica e Diritto allo Studio.
** The payment of the second instalment is subject to the beneficiary having obtained 18 credits. The payment of the third instalment is subject to the obtainment of 42 credits for the beneficiaries of the first intake and 24 credits for the beneficiaries of the second intake.

Method of payment of the scholarship will be :
by crediting the student’s bank or Post Office current account (only accounts in Italian banks and post offices) including reloadable prepaid cards which have IBAN

How The Ranking Works :
Scholarships left unassigned due to failure to register or failure to complete enrolment by the winners will be awarded in order of merit to applicants further down the list.

Application deadline :
06/09/2014 for students who have made the pre-admission application by 04/09/2014
28/11/2014 for students who have made the pre-admission application by 27/09/2014

Read More :…481ENG0414/L/0

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