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CIO Distinctive Personal Numbers For Newborn Infants Bahrain : Central Informatics Organisation

Name of the Organization : Central Informatics Organisation
Type of Facility : Distinctive Personal Numbers For Newborn Infants
Country : Bahrain

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Distinctive Personal Numbers For Newborn Infants :

This service allows obtaining a Distinctive Personal Number, only for newborn infants and it is optional and not compulsory. Central Informatics Organisation provides this service for parent who wishes to get Distinctive Personal Numbers

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Related : CIO Bahrain Smart (ID) Card Application Procedure :

Persons interested to get a distinctive personal number for their newborn infants must follow the below steps:
** It is not acceptable to book a number prior to infant birth or saving a number for another infant .
** This service is provided for newborn infant who both or only one parent is holding a personal number .
** A fee for this service is not refundable .
** The Distinctive Personal Number should be selected within one month maximum from the date of birth .
** This service is offered only for newborn infant .

Distinctive number has three categories :
i) Category 1 : 100 BD
ii) Category 2 : 75 BD
iii) Category 3 : 50 BD

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