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Ministry of Education Student Exam Results Bahrain

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Education
Type of Facility : Student Exam Results
Country : Bahrain

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Ministry of Education Students School Certificate Copies Online Bahrain :

Student Exam Results :

This service is provided by the Ministry of Education for students from third intermediate to third secondary to view their final exams results.

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This service is not available for students from the Religious Institute – the traditional system.

How to check results?

** Please select the “Educational Level” first to view the other details.
** Please enter the “Student Details” then click on “Submit” to view the results.
** If the Educational Level is “Third Intermediate” please enter the Seat Number.
** If the Educational Level is “Secondary” please enter the Academic Number divided into Serial Number and Year of Study, example : 2006 5555

View Results Here :

About Us :
Brief information about each level of pre-university formal education, its systems, curriculum, examination …etc., as well as non-formal education, higher education, private education, and special education.

It also includes the study plans for all levels of government schools, and other information concerned with the school year, examinations and vacations timetable …etc.

FAQs :
Where are university degrees issued from universities outside Bahrain approved? What papers and procedures are required?
** Before studying at any university outside the Kingdom of Bahrain, the student can review the University Information Unit and assess the qualifications in the Department of Scholarships and Scholarships in order to know whether the academic specialization he wishes to study is recognized by the Ministry of Education.

** After studying and completing the requirements of the academic qualification, the student will review the University Information and Qualifications Assessment Unit in order to complete the application for certification of the certificate through the Ministry’s website.

** Applicants must complete the required official documents from personal data and academic qualifications.
** After registering online, the student receives an e-mail message stating receipt of the application.

** The formal procedures for the application are then taken and submitted to the National Qualifications Assessment Committee for ratification, formal and final accreditation, and then to the student

How do I have the right to appeal against my degree in the exam at the end of the semester?
** Upon receiving the student certificate
** He does the material he wants to complain about
** Go to school and there will be a special committee to complain from the school
** To bring the certificate and the amount of BD5 for each article that he wishes to appeal.

Recruitment of volunteers :
The Ministry of Education and all its members appreciate the great role played by volunteers from citizens and residents to serve the country in the first place and to serve the educational process and its continuation in our beloved Kingdom and thank them for this great service.

With regard to non-employment of residents, we would like to clarify that the Ministry is still in the process of recruiting volunteers according to specializations and needs.

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  1. How can I get my form 6 results?

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