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All posts from Pension Calculator Qatar : General Retirement and Social Insurance Authority

Name of the Organization : General Retirement and Social Insurance Authority
Type of Facility : Pension Calculator
Country : Qatar

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Pension Calculator :

The pension calculator allows users to calculate the following :
** Service period
** Pension age

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Related : GRSIA Pension Contribution Records Qatar :

** Past service amount
** Assumed service amount
** Unpaid leave amount
** Pension salary
** Beneficiary’s shares

Note :
The service is used for estimates, and is open to all members of the public.

Application Process :
Follow these steps to use the pension calculator :
** Load the online application.
** Select your choice of calculation.
** Enter all the required information.
** Click on “Calculate” to receive result.

Calculate Online :

Additional Information :
** Pension estimates are calculated based on the amount submitted by the inquirer, as stipulated in accordance with Law No. (24) of year 2002 and its amendments on retirement and pension and the table annexed to this law.
** Calculation of pension age, assumed service amount, past service amount are estimates based on the amount submitted by the inquirer, with the observation that the final calculation is done by the General Authority for Retirement and Social Insurance Authority, as stipulated in accordance with Law No. (24) of year 2002 and its amendments on retirement and pension and the table annexed to this law.
** Pension age calculation is done according to each cause of service termination.

Note :
An option to print your result is available.

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