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All posts from : CBS Survivor Casting Call 2014-15 United States of America

Name of the Channel : CBS TV
Name of the Audition : Survivor Casting Call 2014-15
Country : United States of America
Filming Dates : April, 2015 and August, 2015

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Official Website  :…r-Casting-Home

Survivor Casting Call For 2015 :

Super Fans, First Timers (and everyone in between) please apply NOW for a future season of Survivor. We will be taping sometime between April, 2015 and August, 2015

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Related : CBS Amazing Race Casting Call USA :

Minimum Age Requirement :
Applicants must be 18 to apply.

Note :
You also must have a valid US passport

Latest Call :
Please check the “Open Call” page to see if there is an Open Call Casting in a city near you. If you are technically challenged, this is the way to go!

Open Call :…-Casting-Calls

How To Apply To Survivor?
Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime?

If so, follow the steps below :
Step 1 – Make a video (check out “video” tab on the site for some guidance)
Step 2 – Save current self picture, and video to your computer, so it is ready when you apply online.
Step 3 – Completely fill out the online application and upload your video and picture below
Step 4 – We’ll email you if we want to move forward in the casting process with you.

Apply Now :

Contact Survivor Casting :
If you are having technical difficulties uploading your video or submitting your application, please email

When will I find out if I make it to the next round of casting?
Calls will be made year round, to the people that we are interested in moving forward with only. Things should heat up in December-February for phone interivews.

Will I be contacted regardless of whether or not I make it to the next round?
Due to the large amount of submissions, we are unable to contact each person individually.

When do they film this upcoming season?
Filming dates are tentative for the next two seasons. They are typically April – late August 2015

I have applied before, do I need to fill out another application and submit another video?
Yes. After we cast each season, those video and applications go into storage and you need to re-apply and re-submit a new video each season. However, If you have applied in the past 12 months (2014) you do not need to apply again. We have saved all of those submissions We will refresh the site this Fall and you will be able to apply again if you have applied before that.

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