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All posts from Take Driving License Practical Test Online Kuwait : Ministry of Interior

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Interior
Type of Facility : Take Driving License Practical Test Online
Applicable Country : Kuwait

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MOI Kuwait Driving License Practical Test Online

Question- 1 : Priority in the round about for car comes from the :
1. Back
2. No priority
3. Left

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Related / Similar Service : MOI Kuwait SMS Service

Question- 2 : Priority in the T-junction for car comes from the :
1. Back
2. Left
3. Right

Question- 3 : Continue lines divide two way road mean :
1.Warring lines
3.Overtaking prohibited
4.Overtaking allowed

Question- 4 : Using the shoulder lane allowed for :
1.Trucks only
2.Emergencies only
3.Fire cars only
4.All vehicles

Travel Safety

** You should always remember that the Customs Traffic Book is a very important travel document and must be preserved from loss or damage.

** Make sure that when you leave the country you are going through, the customs have completed the process of signing and stamping the book, otherwise you will have to return to the same customs center to complete the process. You must also make sure before leaving that the book you carry is the same as your notebook.

** This book is owned by the club and must be returned to the management of the club at the end of the period of work is valid for one year from the date of issuance of the club and can be extended for brief times in exceptional circumstances.

In the case of selling your car outside the State of Kuwait, you can do so, provided that the sale is done through the competent customs authorities in that country and you must obtain a certificate proving that your car has been met customs fees and certified by the competent authorities.

** The management of the car club reserves its guarantee until it returns the book to the club free of any obligation towards the country that passed it.

This guarantee obligates the owner of the book and the sponsor to pay any amount demanded by the foreign customs unless the process of entry and exit of the vehicle is in accordance with the proper rules.

** If the vehicle is lost or damaged outside the State of Kuwait, it shall not be exempted from the responsibility of paying the customs duties demanded by the customs of the country in which the accident took place.

In the event of a deplorable occurrence of the vehicle (God forbid), the Customs Department shall be contacted and informed of the matter. Obtain a certificate proving that your party is free and without that, you must pay the customs duty without considering the damage to your car.

** The necessity of adhering to the instructions of the traffic men and the traffic systems abroad.

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  1. I want to write the online test.

    1. You can use the below mentioned link to take up online test :
      ** You have to slecet the language.
      ** Then you will be navigated to the test page.

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