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All posts from Online Visa Application Status Enquiry : Royal Oman Police (Directorate General of Passport & Residence)

Name of the Organization : Royal Oman Police (Directorate General of Passport & Residence)
Type of Facility : Online Visa Application Status Enquiry
Country : Oman

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How To Do Visa Application Status Enquiry?

To enquire about the status of Manually submitted visa application, enter the Application Number and the Passport details.

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Related : Royal Oman Police Apply For Police Clearance Certificate :

To enquire about the applications submitted ONLINE through the Royal Oman Police website, enter the Web Application No. and the Passport details of the applicant.

For Enquiries (Visa Services) : +968 – 24512961

Get a short visit visa?
It is granted at See International Airport to nationals of certain countries covered by this facility.
** The visa is valid for 14 days from the date of entry.
** Fees : RO 7

Fill in the fields below
Step 1 : Enter Your Web Application Number
Step  2 : Enter Your Passport Number
Step 3 : Enter Your Passport Country
Step 4 : Click on “Submit” button

ROP SMS Services

Within the framework of Royal Oman Police concern on the development and modernization in all services, and the belief of the need to take advantage of new technologies and adapt them for the benefit of leading to provide excellent services. General Directorate of Information Technology has launched a SMS service, which are as follow

Premium(PUSH) SMS Services (require Subscription) :
Individuals and commercial organizations can subscribe to receive regular SMS alerts about various services offered by ROP which which are as follow
** Traffic Violation Alerts.
** Civil ID Card Expiry Alerts.
** Passport Expiry Alerts. (for Omani only)]
** Visa Expiry Alerts. (for Expats only)
** Driving License Expiry Alerts.
** Vehicle Registration Expiry Alerts.
** Visa Application Status Alerts.
** More services will be added in near future with no additional costs. The subscription fee is R.O 1/- and it will be valid for 6 months from the date of subscription.

Timely renewal reminders will be sent before the expiry date, and is bordered to the following conditions :
** For Individuals : unlimited sms messages.
** For companies : fifty (50) sms messages.
** Subscription is valid for a period of six (6) months

** Upon completion of the subscription period it will be renewed automatically unless unsubscribed manually.
** Implements the terms for any subscription, whether an individual or a company.

The subscriber will be alerted one day before the date of expiry, or in case of reaching of the maximum number of messages.

Procedure for subscribing for ROP SMS Alerts :
For Individuals (with ID card / Resident card)
sendR <CIVIL NUMBER>to90085(example: R 12345678)

For Commercial Organizations(with Commercial Registration Number-CRno
sendCR <Commercial Registration Number>to90085(example:CR 1234567)

Procedure for Unsubscribing for ROP SMS Alerts :
For Individuals (with ID card / Resident card)
send UNSUB <CIVIL NUMBER> to 90085(example:UNSUB 12345678)

For Commercial Organizations(with Commercial Registration Number-CRno)
sendUNSUB <Commercial Registration Number>to90085 (example: UNSUB 1234567)

About Us

The achievement of security, peace and stability is the main objective of any society. Since early times, the Omani society has been characterized by a social structure that maintained peace and stability within it. This particular social organization had a simple structure known as Al Askar (the police force). They are responsible for simple policing work including guarding the markets enforcing of the law, etc.

Add a Comment
  1. I am from Muscat. I send visit visa by courier to India. In between they misplace or lost the visas. But I have one copy. So can I get the original visa again?

  2. I am from Pakistan. I have applied for an accountant visa through one of the agency in Pakistan for an Oman. I have paid 2 Lakhs and Fifty thousands Pakistani Rupees for that visa, now I have a problem in my visa, the agency members are saying that someone has sold a fake visa to the agency and I am in big trouble now. Below are my Passport and Visa Detail given: Kindly help me whether it’s fake or genuine. My Passport Number is HK4127321 and my Visa Number is 598967/77. Kindly help me.

  3. How do I get web application number to verify the visa?

  4. Mohammad Jashim Uddin

    Passport number : BE 0722***
    OMAN VISA Number : ***034/76
    Above mentioned person is in problem. Now he is under police custody. May I know what’s the reason? I would be happy if you provide me real information.

  5. How can I validate the genuineness of Oman visa?

  6. My relative wants to come from Dubai to Oman for eid holidays his designation is electrician. Do I want to take road transit visa from oman? Then what is the procedure?

  7. My name is Mansingh s/o Nandkisor
    Passport no : N7762791
    I want early my visa no and web application no.

  8. I have only visa number. So how I will get application number?

  9. Sachindra Kumar Birendra singh

    My Pasport no-L4818416(India)muscat steel melting company apply for visa.I don’t know other details. Please give my visa status

  10. My passport number M4919830. HR consultancy had already applied for visa of Oman. I don’t have any other clues. kindly tell My visa status.

  11. I had applied visit visa for my husband through ministry of health , as my husband exit from oman on 27/6/15, but from rop rejected the application. What is the reason?

  12. I have no application no but I have visa no. How to verify?

    1. You need application number only to check the status along with web application number and passport number.

  13. mohan krishna chaitanya

    Mohan krishna chaitanya chelluboina

  14. What is Web Application Number?

    1. What is the web application number? Where can I get this web application number?

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