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All posts from Disconnect/Reconnect Electricity Service Connection Oman : Electricity Holding Co.SAOC

Name of the Organization : Electricity Holding Co.SAOC
Type of Facility : Disconnect/Reconnect Electricity Service Connection
Country : Oman

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Disconnect/Reconnect Electricity Service Connection :

This service is for customers who wish to apply to Disconnect or Reconnect electricity service connection.

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Related : Electricity Holding Co.SAOC View Electricity Accounts Online Oman :

Who can request this service :
Citizens & Residents and Business

Steps to follow to request the service :
1. The Applicant fills the Application for Disconnection or Reconnection form available in the customer service offices or apply online

Apply Here :

2. The form should be submitted/attached along with the following documents :-
** Copy of Identification Card
** Letter from customer asking for disconnection citing reasons
** Previous Consumption Bill

3. An Inspector will visits and records the last reading from the customer premises
4. The Company will contact the Customer to pay the bill associated with the last reading
5. After presenting the Payment Receipt, Customer Service will ask the customer to pay the disconnection fees RO7.5
6. The Customer Service will direct a contractor to disconnect the supply

If in case the customer wants to reconnect, there are various possibilities :-
1. If the customer wants to reconnect the same meter, he has to pay the reconnection fees of RO7.5 and the company will ask the contractor to reconnect the supplier
2. If the customer wants to reconnect and upgrade the meter from single phase to 3 phase, he has to go through the NEW CONNECTION PROCESS

b)List all forms/applications that need to be completed to apply for the service :
Application for Disconnect/Reconnect Form

What documents are needed to process :
** Copy of Identification Card
** Letter from customer asking for disconnection citing reasons
** Previous Consumption Bill

How the service is processed :
Customer Service officer will contact applicant through phone call or email

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