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All posts from Obtain Social Security Services Oman : Ministry of Social Development

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Social Development
Type of Facility : Obtain Social Security Services
Country : Oman

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Obtain Social Security Services :

Social security is considered one of the systems of social assurances that provides compensation to families with special needs to cover basic necessities.

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Related : Ministry of Social Development Social Aid Services Oman :

Who can request this service :
Omani individuals and families who reside in or outside the Sultanate and have no stable income and/or provider.

These include :
Orphans, widows, divorcees, unmarried s, families of prisoners, the disabled, abandoned s, senior citizens and others.

Steps to follow to request the service :
A. Process Steps :
** Complete the Social Security application.
** Two photographs of the applicant.
** Copy of applicant’s passport and ID card.
** Certificate of property ownership.
** Certificate of Income.
** Certificates of birth for all children in family.
** Certificate of legally obligated male next of kin (father – sons) and a salary certificate if he is employed.
** Certificate if you have no obligated male next of kin.
** Death Certificate of father if orphans are involved.
** Death Certificate of husband if widow is involved.
** Divorce Certificate If individual is a divorcee.

Abandoned : Official certificate proving that you have been abandoned for more than one year.
Single : Official Death Certificate of the father and a certificate of your social status.
Senior Citizen : Copy of the spouse’s passport or ID card along with a copy of the marriage certificate.
Family member of a prisoner : Official Certificate from the Punitive Court stating the nature of the crime and the duration of imprisonment. Copy of marriage certificate if applicable.
Disabled : Medical Certificate certifying percentage of disability. Copy of marriage certificate if applicable.

What documents are needed to process :
The following documents are required with the application for social security service :
** Two photographs of the applicant.
** Copy of applicant’s passport and ID card.
** Birth certificates of the children.
** Medical test form.
** A letter from the guardian, in case the applicant is a minor orphan.
** Certificate of Property and income sources (form attached).
** An official income certificate of the next-of-kin (father – sons) and a salary certificate from the employer.
** An official certificate if there is no next-of-kin or if s/he is unemployed.

Documents require for each category of applicants :

Orphans : An official death certificate of the father + statutory ruling stating heirs.
Widows : An official death certificate of the husband + Attach a legal document proving you are widow + statutory ruling stating heirs.
Divorced : Divorce certificate.
Abandoned : An official certificate proving that you have been abandoned for more than one year.
Unmarried : An official death certificate of the father and a certificate of your social status (form attached).
Senior Citizen : copy of the wife’s passport or ID card + a copy of the marriage certificate.
Family of a prisoner : An official certificate from the punitive court stating the nature of the crime and the duration of imprisonment + a copy of the marriage or divorce certificate.
Unable to work : A medical certificate certifying the percentage of disability + a copy of a marriage certificate if applicable

Special conditions if any applicable :
Orphans : Children (males and s) below the age of 18 years, whose father died or of unknown father or parents.
Divorced Woman : A who did not reach the age of 60 years, who was divorced by her husband and did not remarry.
Abandoned : A married woman who was abandoned by her husband, providing no known address or means of communication, for at least one year.
Unmarried : An more than 18 and less than 60 years of age (orphan) and never married.
Elders : All males and s above 60 years of age.
Prisoner’s Family : A family whose provider is jailed for a period more than six months.
Unable to work : All citizens, males and s, between the ages of 18 and 60, whose official medical examination certifies that s/he cannot perform any work duties, or his or her capacity of performing any suitable work because of an illness or disability.

How the service is processed :
Application is registered in the computer and a receipt is issued. When a decision is reached the applicant is informed of the final decision by phone.

How long will it take :
The processing of the application for social aid is completed in one month from the date of submission.

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