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Apply For Citizen Service Number Netherlands : Tax & Customs Administration Belastingdienst

Name of the Organization : Tax and Customs Administration
Type of Facility : Apply For Citizen Service Number
Country : Netherlands

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Citizen Service Number :

The citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN) was introduced on 26 November 2007. The BSN will, in many cases, replace the tax and social security number (sofinummer). The BSN consists of the same digits as the tax and social security number.

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Related : Customs Administration Belastingdienst Insurance Premium Tax Netherlands :

The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique number for everyone who has dealings with the Dutch government. You can and must use the citizen service number increasingly often, in dealings with your municipality, the hospital, schools, your employer or benefits agencies, for example. With the citizen service number, the Dutch government wants to improve the services it provides to you, combat fraud and improve protection of your privacy.

Apply For Citizen Service Number :

Tax and social security number to be cancelled :
With effect from 6 January 2014, you can no longer apply to us for a tax and social security number. From now on, you will receive a citizen service number if you register with a municipality. That is why, as from this date, every person must be registered with a municipality, even if you move to the Netherlands temporarily.

You are registered with a Dutch municipality :
If you were registered with a Dutch municipality on 26 November 2007, you did not have to take any action yourself. Your tax and social security number was automatically converted into your BSN. You now only use the digits of your tax and social security number as your BSN.

Businesses have either a BSN or a ‘Legal Entities and Partnerships Identification Number’ (Rechtspersonen en Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatienummer, RSIN). This depends on which legal form you want your business to have (only available in Dutch).

Living abroad :

If you were registered with a Dutch municipality on 26 November 2007, you did not have to take any action yourself. Your tax and social security number was automatically converted into your citizen service number (BSN).

You are going to move abroad :
If you are going to move abroad, your BSN will remain valid. You can continue using your BSN.

You already live abroad :
If you went to live abroad before 26 November 2007, but after 30 September 1994, your tax and social security number will automatically have been converted into your BSN. Your BSN consists of the same digits as your tax and social security number.

If you went to live abroad before 1 October 1994 and you have a tax and social security number, you will keep your tax and social security number. If you move to the Netherlands again, you have to register with the municipality where you are going to live. The municipality will then convert your tax and social security number into a BSN.

Did you move abroad before 1 October 1994 and do you have no tax and social security number- In that case, you should register with the municipality where you are going to live if you move to the Netherlands again. This municipality will then give you a BSN.

Have you lost your citizen service number (BSN) :
You can find your BSN in the following documents, for example :
** your passport
** your driving licence
** your identity card
** the tax return letter that we send you
** an assessment (for income tax, for example) that we send you

If you have an identity document, but this document does not state your citizen service number, you can request your citizen service number from the Dutch municipality where you are registered. In that case, however, you must show a valid identity document.

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