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All posts from Register of Social Housing Institutions Johannesburg : Social Housing Regulatory Authority

Name of the Organization : Social Housing Regulatory Authority
Type of Facility : Register of Social Housing Institutions
Location : Johannesburg
Country : South Africa

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Social Housing Regulatory Authority :

The Social Housing Regulatory Authority (the”SHRA”) was established in August 2010 by the Minister of Human Settlements in terms of the Social Housing Act, No. 16 of 2008. The SHRA is classified as a public entity in terms of Schedule 3A of the Public Finance Management Act.

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Register of Social Housing Institutions :
The Register of SHIs has the following information recorded for each SHI
** the name and form of the social housing institution
** status of accreditation
** the date of accreditation or change in accreditation status;
** any grants approved and particulars thereof;
** the names and contact details of the directors or trustees and key managers of the institution;
** any social housing projects undertaken and completed,
** all housing stock under management; and
** particulars of any instruction, directive or notice issued to the institution;
** any report prepared by the Regulatory Authority or by a forensic auditor relating to maladministration or alleged maladministration by the institution, and any order of the High Court relating to administration of the institution by the Regulatory Authority, as contemplated in section 11 12(8), (9) and (10) of the Act;
** any withdrawal of accreditation and the date and reasons therefore.

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