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Lodge Complaint Online South Africa : Estate Agency Affairs Board EAAB

Name of the Organization : Estate Agency Affairs Board
Type of Facility : Lodge Complaint Online
Location : Johannesburg
Country : South Africa

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Official Website :

Lodge a complaint against an Estate Agent :

Guidelines for initiating a complaint with the Estate Agency Affairs Board :
** Send the form only once in respect of the same complaint to avoid duplication which may delay the investigation of your complaint.

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Related : EAAB South Africa Intern/Full Status Estate Agent Registration :

** Should you not be contacted by our offices within 14 days of lodging this form with us, please contact our call centre on 011 731 5600.
** Once you have been provided with a reference number for your complaint, you will be notified by the Board of the progress of your complaint. Please refrain contacting the Board regarding the progress of your complaint unless more than 8 weeks have elapsed from the Board- s last communication with you.
** The Estate Agency Affairs Board does not have jurisdiction over the actions of estate agents in their private capacity.
** The Estate Agency Affairs Board is not a civil court and cannot usurp the powers of one.
** Should your complaint be referred to a disciplinary enquiry you will have to be present to testify against the respondent agent.
** Should any correspondence sent to the address as provided by the complainant be returned by the postal authorities, we will summarily close our file.
** Any further documentation requested by the Board in respect of a complaint should be sent directly to the specified person at the number/address provided.
** Should your complaint be deemed to be founding a possible claim against the Fidelity Fund you will be contacted by our claims department who may request further information from you.
** A claim will only be considered after finalization or suspension of your complaint.

Online Complaint :

Please take note of the following :
This complaint initiates an investigation and could lead to disciplinary action against the respondent. Please note that the Estate Agency Affairs Board does not have the authority to, inter alia :
** Order the estate agent to reimburse you or pay damages to you;
** Cancel, interpret or enforce a contract;
** Prevent an eviction;
** Order any party to do or refrain from carrying out any action;
** Stop or intervene in any civil proceedings instituted against you;
** Resolve labour disputes.

Should your complaint be in relation to one of the above, we urge you to obtain independent legal advice.

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