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All posts from Cape Town Win a 27 Inch Apple IMAC Promotional Competition 2014 South Africa : Educor Holdings Pty Ltd

Name of the Organization : Educor Holdings Pty Ltd
Name of the Competition : Cityvarsity Cape Town Win a 27 Inch Apple Imac Promotional Competition 2014
Location : Cape Town
Country : South Africa
Competition Dates : 1 November 2014 to 31 December 2014

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Win a 27 Inch Apple Imac Promotional Competition :

Important clauses, which may limit our responsibility; place an obligation on you to indemnify us; involve an acknowledgment of any fact; or involve some risk for you, will be in bold and italics or highlighted.You must pay special attention to these clauses.

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Educor Holdings, the largest provider of private education in South Africa, represents seven of the most trusted names in education which includes CityVarsity. The use of the words Educor and CityVarsity are used interchangeably in this contract and is representative of one company.

Terms & Conditions :

1. Duration :
1.1 The promotional competition commences on Saturday, 1 November 2014 and ends on Wednesday, 31 December 2014.

2. Who May Enter :
2.1 To qualify as an entrant into the competition you must meet all of the following requirements :
2.1.1 Be a South African citizen or permanent South African resident.
2.1.2 Be 17 years or older.

3. How To Enter :
3.1 Two ways to win :
3.1.1 Walk into our CityVarsity Cape Town campus, fill out an entry form by 31 December 2014 and drop it into the entry box provided and/or,
3.1.2 Register as a First Year Full-Time student at our CityVarsity Cape Town campus by 31 December 2014 with your full registration fee paid for the new academic year.
3.1.3 All entrants who enter as per clause 3.1.1 are entitled to only one entry into the competition.
3.1.4 Students who register as per clause 3.1.2 will receive 10 additional entries into the competition in addition to them receiving an entry in terms of clause 3.1.1.
3.2 The competition draw date will be Tuesday, 13 January 2015. Dates are subject to change at Educor/CityVarsity’s sole discretion.

4. Prizes :
4.1 Upon registration as a First Year Full-Time student for the 2015 academic year one entrant will be entitled to win a 27 Inch Apple iMac valued at approximately R27 999.00 , subject to the terms and conditions contained herein.

5. General :
5.1 Educor/CityVarsity & the supplier of the Apple iMac; their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants and their spouses, life partners, parents, children, siblings, business partners or associates are not eligible to participate in and/or enter the competition.
5. 2 By entering this competition all entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions of entry.
5.3 Only new registered First Year Full-Time students for the 2015 academic year are eligible to enter the registration draw, subject to the terms and conditions.
5.4 Only students who register and pay the required registration fee will receive 10 additional entries into the competition.
5.5 All information relating to this competition, including information on our website and any other promotional material forms part of these terms and conditions of entry.
5.6 By entering the competition you give Educor/CityVarsity the right to process your personal information and to validate your entry. No entry will be considered valid until this validation process has taken place.
5.7 All entrants warrant that the information provided by them is true, correct and factual. Any of the following acts including, but not limited to; dishonesty, misrepresentation, fraud, identity theft and the like on an entrants part is an immediate disqualification of such entry. If such person is chosen as the winner of the competition, such draw will be declared void and will result in a further draw being held and a new winner declared
5.8 The prize winner will be chosen by means of a lucky draw conducted by Educor/CityVarsity’s chosen representative and will be internally audited by Educor/CityVarsity. The first valid entrant drawn will win the prize.
5.9 The prize winner will be notified by a representative from Educor/CityVarsity via telephone or email within two business days of the lucky draw and it is incumbent upon the entrant to ensure that the telephone number or email address supplied are valid, and the service operational until at least 10 business days after the lucky draw date. Educor/CityVarsity accepts no responsibility in not being able to contact an entrant as a result of the non-service or discontinuation of the telephone number or email address. In the event of Educor/CityVarsity not being able to contact the winner within a period of two business days of the draw taking place, such person shall forfeit the prize and a new winner will be declared in a further draw.
5.10 The prize will be available to the prize winner within 28 days of notifying them that they have won the competition. The prize must be collected by the prize winner at a location predetermined by Educor/CityVarsity. The prize colour will be a 27 inch Apple iMac. The winner will have no choice in the colour of the prize or any specification in/or/of the prize itself.

5.11 The prize package will include, but is not limited to, a/an
5.11.1 Display : 27-inch LED-backlit display
5.11.2 Processor : 3.4GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 processor
5.11.3 Memory : 8GB
5.11.4 Storage : 1TB hard drive
5.11.5 Graphics : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 775M graphics processor

5.12 The prize is not transferable, nor is the prize redeemable for cash or exchange.
5.13 In the event of a dispute, Educor/CityVarsity’s decision will be final and binding on all aspects of the competition and no correspondence will be entered into.
5.14 By entering the competition, the entrant gives Educor/CityVarsity the right to publish the prize winner’s name and photograph in any advertising, promotional material or event, or print, at any point of sale or in any public relations material. The nature and manner of such releases are to be determined within the sole discretion of Educor/CityVarsity, and shall be for a period of 12 months after the date that the prize winner is determined, after having being publicly announced as the prize winner of the competition. The prize winner expressly consents to the foregoing rights of Educor/CityVarsity. The prize winner consents to Educor/CityVarsity using such photographs and other promotional material it may at its sole discretion for a period of three years. This consent may not be withdrawn by the prize winner prior to its expiration of three years of the date of commencement of the lucky draw winner.
5.15 Educor/CityVarsity reserves the right in its sole discretion, whether legally or otherwise, for whatever other reason, to terminate this competition with immediate effect and without notice of such termination to cancel or suspend the competition. In such event, all entrants hereby waiver any rights, which they may have against Educor/CityVarsity and hereby acknowledge that they will have no recourse or claim of any nature whatsoever against Educor/CityVarsity; its directors, members, partners, employees, sponsors, agents or consultants.
5.16 By entering this competition all entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and specifically authorise Educor/CityVarsity to utilise the personal information of the entrant without reserve for any legal purpose.
5.17 Subject to clause 5.10 the prizes cannot be changed for any other prize other than the prize offered in terms of clause 4 above. Furthermore, it may not be exchanged for cash.
5.18 Educor/CityVarsity reserves the right to substitute any prize with another prize of similar commercial value.
5.19 Educor/CityVarsity and/or the judges’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
5.20 Educor/CityVarsity is not liable for the failure of any technical element relating to this competition that may result in an entry not being successfully submitted.

Terms & Conditions :

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