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All posts from Apply For Disability Grant Pretoria : South African Social Security Agency

Name of the Organization : South African Social Security Agency
Type of Facility : Disability Grant
Location : Pretoria
Country : South Africa

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Official Website : sassa [dot] gov [dot] za

Disability Grant :

A disability grant is available to people who are unfit for work because of a physical or mental disability.

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Related : SASSA Apply For Older Persons Grant Pretoria :

About a disability grant :
If you have a physical or mental disability which makes you unfit to work for a period of longer than six months, you can apply for a disability grant.

You get a permanent disability grant if your disability will continue for more than a year and a temporary disability grant if your disability will last for a continuous period of not less than six months and not more than 12 months. A permanent disability grant does not mean you will receive the grant for life, but that it will continue for longer than 12 months.

How do you know if you qualify :
To qualify, you must :
** be a South African citizen or permanent resident or refugee and living in South Africa at the time of application
** be between 18 and 59 years old.
** not be cared for in a state institution
** have a 13-digit, bar-coded identity document (ID)
** not earn more than R61 800 (5 150 per month) if you are single or R123 600 (10 300 per month) if married.
** not have assets worth more than R891 000 if you are single or R1 782 000 if you are married
** undergo a medical examination where a doctor appointed by the state will assess the degree of your disability
** bring along any previous medical records and reports when you make the application and when the assessment is done.

The doctor will complete a medical report and will forward the report to South African Social Security Agency (SASSA).

The report is valid for three months from the date you are assessed.

Note :
If you are under 18 and need permanent care due to your disability, your primary caregiver can apply for a Care Dependency Grant. If you don’t have an ID, you will be required to complete an affidavit and provide proof of having applied for the document from the Department of Home Affairs. If you have not applied for an ID, you must do so within three months of applying for the grant.

How much will you get :
The maximum is R1 350 per month.

How will you be paid :
A grant will be paid to you through one of the following methods :
** cash at a specific pay point on a particular day
** electronic deposit into your bank account, including Postbank (the bank may charge you for the service)
** an institution not funded by the State – e.g. home for people with disabilities.

When may your grant be suspended :
The following may result in the suspension of your grant :
** when your circumstances change
** the outcome of a review
** if you fail to co-operate when your grant is reviewed
** when you commit fraud or misrepresent yourself
** if there was a mistake when your grant was approved.

When may your grant lapse :
The grant will lapse when you :
** pass away
** are admitted to a state institution
** do not claim for three consecutive months
** are absent from the country.

Please note :
If you are admitted to an institution that has a contract with the state to care for you, the grant is reduced to 25% of the maximum amount of the grant. That will be done with effect from the 4th month following your admission to that institution. The reduced grant is re-instated immediately from the date you are discharged from the institution. More disabiltiy grant information

What you should do :
Complete a disability grant application form at your nearest South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) office in the presence of a SASSA officer.
** A medical report and functional assessment report confirming your disability.
** Proof of marital status (if applicable).
** Proof of residence.
** Proof of income or dividends (if any).
** Proof of assets, including the municipal value of your property.
** Proof of private pension (if any).
** Your bank statements for the past three months.
** Refugee status permit and 13-digit refugee ID.
** Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) document (‘blue book’) or discharge certificate from your previous employer if you were employed.
** A copy of the will and the first and final liquidation and distribution accounts, if your spouse died within the last five years.
** After submitting your application you will be given a receipt to keep as proof of application.

Submit the following :

Your 13-digit bar-coded identity document (ID). If you don’t have an ID :
** You must complete an affidavit on a standard SASSA format in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths who is not a SASSA official.
** You must bring a sworn statement signed by a reputable person (like a councillor, traditional leader, social worker, minister of religion or school principal) who can verify your name and age.
** The SASSA official will take your fingerprints.
** You will be referred to the Department of Home Affairs to apply for the ID while your application is processed. If you don’t get an ID, your grant will be suspended.

What if your application is not approved :
** The social security office will inform you in writing whether or not your application was successful.
** If your grant is not approved, the social security office will state the reasons why your application was unsuccessful. You can then appeal to the Minister of Social Development in writing, explaining why you disagree.
** Appeal within 90 days of receiving notification about the outcome of your application.

How long does it take :
** It may take up to three months to process your application.
** If your grant is approved, you will be paid from the day you applied.

How much does it cost :
The service is free.

Forms to complete :
Application forms are not available online, but you can get them from your nearest (SASSA) office.

Who to contact :
South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)

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