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Repaying of Social Grants South Africa : Department of Social Development

Name of the Organization : Department of Social Development
Type of Facility : Repaying of Social Grants
Country : South Africa

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Repaying of Social Grants :

If you receive a grant or money that you are not entitled to, you will be responsible for repaying it to the government, unless the South African Social Security Agency is satisfied that you did not know that you were not entitled to it.

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In the latter case, the social grant must lapse or be cancelled, as it will be considered to be fraud.

This service applies to individuals who have been receiving social grants to which they are not entitled.

Main reasons for the lapsing of grants :
** Death. If the grant has been paid to a person who is deceased, the money will be recovered from the person’s estate
** Admission to a state institution
** Failure to claim a grant for three consecutive months
** Being absent from South Africa for a continuous period of longer than six months.

Steps To Follow :
If you discover that you are receiving a grant that you are not entitled to, you should inform a Social Security office near you

Where Available :
All SASSA Service Centres

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