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Professional Driving Permit Application South Africa : Western Cape Government

Name of the Organization : Western Cape Government- Department of Transport and Public Works
Type of Facility : Professional Driving Permit Application
Country : South Africa

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Professional Driving Permit Application :

To drive certain types of vehicles, you are required to have a professional driving permit in addition to your driving licence.

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Related : Western Cape Government Public Operating Licence Applications South Africa :

A professional driving permit (PrDP) is required if you drive the following vehicles :
** Goods vehicle, weighing over 3 500 kg.
** Breakdown vehicle.
** Bus.
** Minibus weighing more than 3 500 kg designed to carry 12 or more people, including the driver.
** Vehicle used to transport people for payment.
** Goods vehicle carrying dangerous goods, which weighs more than 3 500 kg.
** Road tank vehicle for petroleum-based flammable liquids.
** Motor vehicle conveying 12 or more people including the driver.

A professional driving permit is not required to drive a hearse or a tractor.

You can only get a professional driving permit in the following instances :
** You have a valid driving licence for the type of vehicle in question.
** You are over the required age limit (this depends on the type of vehicle in question).
** You are certified as medically fit by a doctor.
** Certified by an approved training body (only required for certain types of vehicle).
** You have not been convicted of driving under the influence, of reckless driving or of a violent offence.
** If your driving licence is not suspended or cancelled.
** Your professional driving permit may be suspended or cancelled if you become medically unfit or if you are convicted of driving under the influence, of reckless or negligent driving, or of a violent offence.

The operator or owner of a motor vehicle for which a professional driving permit is required may not let another person drive that vehicle on a public road, unless that other person is the holder of a professional driving permit of the appropriate category.

Instructions :
How to apply at a driving licence testing centre for a professional driving permit :
** Complete form PD1.
** Pay the required fee.
** Produce your ID.
** Provide two photographs.
** Show your driving licence.
** Produce your training certificate (if applicable).
** Produce your medical certificate.
** Produce your criminal record.
** Show any other professional driving permit or public driving permit that you already hold.

Once the application has been processed, your fingerprints will be taken and your credit card format driving licence showing the professional driving permit will be ordered.

You will be informed once the card is ready for collection. You must have identification on you to collect the card. Any cards not collected within 120 days are destroyed.

For more information contact the Law Administration Helpdesk at the Department of Transport and Public Works :
Tel : 021 483 2080 / 2078 / 2469

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