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Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports Belize : Upgrading of Teachers’ Licence

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports
Type of Facility : Upgrading of Teachers’ Licence
Country : Belize

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Guidelines for Upgrading of Teachers’ Licences:

If a teacher possesses a Provisional license issued in 2010 or later and now has pedagogical qualifications for a Full license, he / she should submit an application to UPGRADE his / her licence using the Licence UPGRADE form.

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Teachers who are in possession of a valid Provisional Licence issued in 2010 or later who have completed additional programs of study since their licence was issued should submit copies of the relevant documents (such as the new certificate, diploma, or degree), a copy of their social security, and a completed Licence UPGRADE application form.

Please Note :
If a teacher possesses a Temporary or Provisional license issued prior to 2010 and now has pedagogical qualifications for a Full license, he / she must complete the entire application process. Teachers who wish to apply for an UPGRADE can obtain the application form from the District Education Centre, the Ministry of Education website : , or the respective Management Offices. The completed form and supporting documents should be submitted to the Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Education via the District Education Centres.

Download Form :

** Social Security card
** Qualifications
** Copy of previous license
** Marriage/divorce certificate(if name change is required)
** Application must be completed in duplicate

Note : Please note that your identification and qualifications must be signed by a Justice of the Peace.

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