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Apply For Teaching Licence Belize : Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports
Type of Facility : Apply For Teaching Licence
Country : Belize
Official Website :

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How To Apply For MOE Teaching Licence?

Application form must be completed in DUPLICATE and submitted to the Secretariat of the Teaching Service Commission, Ministry of Education MOE through the District Education Centre. Certified copies of required documents and testimonials must be submitted along with this form.

Related / Similar Service : Update Teachers License Belize

1. Applicant completes form and obtains two character references.
2. Submits completed form with references and certified copies of relevant documents District Education Centre
3. DEC verifies particulars and forwards application to Secretariat Teaching Service Commission.
4. TSC makes recommendation and advises Chief Education Officer
5. Chief education Officer grants/refuses license and logs accordingly.
6. Applicant informed by Commission.
7. Commission enters information on teacher in the database of Licensed teachers.

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Checklist For MOE Teaching Licence

Checklist of MOE Teaching Licence

** License Application Forms
** Qualifications (includes transcripts)
** Social Security Card
** Birth Certificate/Passport
** Medical Certificate
** Police Record
** Character References
** Work Permit (where applicable)
** Marriage/Divorce Certificate (where applicable)
** Passport size photographs (signed by JP)

Note :
1. ALL documents must be duplicated
2. Copied documents must be certified
3. ALL documents in foreign languages must be accompanied by official English translation.

Submit (Upload) the following documents along with this application :
** Copy of Official ID (Passport or Social Security Card)
** Copy of Full License
** Authenticated copy of Academic and/or Professional Qualifications

Downloads :
Application Form :…ion%20form.pdf
Medical Form :…edicalform.pdf
Checklist :…-checklist.pdf

A. Biographical Data :
Please enter the following details,
1. Enter Name
Select Title *
Enter Last Name *
Enter First Name *
Enter Middle Name (if applicable)

2. Select Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY) *
3. Social Security No. *
4. Select Gender * Male or Female
5. Enter Email Address *

6. Enter Contact Number(s)
Enter Home Phone (if applicable; numbers only)
Enter Cell Phone (if applicable; numbers only)
Enter Work Phone (if applicable; numbers only)

7. Enter Home Address
Enter No. and / or Street *
Enter Village / Town / City *
Select District *

8. Enter Teacher License Details (FULL LICENSE ONLY!)
Enter License Number *
Enter Level *
Enter Issue Date (DD-MM-YYYY) *

What is MOE TEDS?

Teacher Education & Development Services (TEDS) :
The Ministry of Education (MOE) believes that every Belizean student deserves a caring, competent, and highly qualified teacher and tasks the Teacher Education and Development Services to work diligently to make a difference in the quality of teaching and teacher preparation today, tomorrow, and for the next century.

In this regard, TEDS’ primary responsibilities focus on program standards and development and quality assurance as it relates to :
** Teacher Education Programs (pre-primary, primary and secondary)
** Pre-service Teacher Assessment
** Principal and Manager Education
** Teacher Educator Education

TEDS has primarily been charged to :
** Support the attainment and retention of a high quality teaching service
** Facilitate the increase in access to teacher education programs and services
** Assure quality in teaching and teacher education programs and services

** Ensure the accountability of institutions and organizations offering teacher education programs and services
** Facilitate the production and dissemination of relevant resources and educational research.

1 Comment
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  1. Is the application form used for the renewal of license as well?

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