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All posts from Metro Photo Challenge 2014 USA : United Nations

Name of the Organisation : United Nations
Name of the Competition : Metro Photo Challenge 2014
Location : New York City
Country : United States of America
Deadline: 18 November, 2014

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Celebrating the 10th year of challenging amateur and professional photographers around the world in reviving and keeping real photography alive – Metro Photo Challenge 2014 is ready to challenge you in a subject only you know best – city living!

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Submit your visual interpretation of any of the three city categories; My City’s Magic, Urban Escape, or My Green City – to win a unique photo expedition to the ultimate beehive of cities – New York! Including a meet-and-greet with Michael Bloomberg, the United Nations Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change.

Metro Photo Challenge will run between September 23rd till November 18th. Local winners and global finalists will be announced November 28th and the Global Grand Prize Winners will be announced December 5th.

The three categories to participate in for Metro Photo Challenge 2014 are:
1. My City’s Magic
2. Urban Escape
3. My Green City

Enter in two easy steps:
1. Register
2. Upload your photo(s) in any of the three categories

How to increase your chances of winning by public vote:
Collect votes to have the chance of becoming the daily winner. Votes will also contribute to the overall score when selecting the global finalists from the public votes. Read more about this in the Rules.

1. The Metro Photo Challenge 2014 (also referred to below as the “Challenge”) is arranged by Metro International S.A. together with local Metro subsidiaries and Local Metro franchisee around the globe (jointly referred to as ”Metro” below). To be a part of Metro Photo Challenge 2014, and to have the chance of being a local winner or a global grand prize winner, you need to upload at least one photo that meets the Approved Photo Requirements (as defined below) in any of the three global categories – “My City’s Magic,” 2. “Urban Escape” 3. “My Green City” before November 18th, 2014.
2. The Metro Photo Challenge 2014 will run between September 23th September and December 5th, 2014. You may only compete in one country. The participating countries are Finland, the Netherlands, Hungary, France, Italy, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Canada, the USA, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Ecuador, Chile, Russia, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Brazil and Peru.
3. Please visit the websites of the respective countries to register and to accept the local terms and conditions for the Challenge in that country. The local terms and conditions will apply in addition to these terms and conditions. In cases of discrepancies, the local terms and conditions shall apply.
4. If you are not a resident of any of the Metro countries, you may still take part in the Challenge via the “International Section”.
5. The Metro Photo Challenge 2014 is free of charge and open to anyone, other than employees, agents, contractors and consultants (or their families) of Metro and its affiliates. If you are under the age of 18, you must provide Metro with your parent’s or legal guardian’s approval to take part in the Challenge.
6. Metro will collect your first name, surname, city of residence, age and e-mail address. Metro may also require your address. You cannot take part in the Challenge without submitting this data. Your personal data will be handled in accordance with Metro’s Privacy Policy.
7. Metro has the right to publish your name, surname, age and city of residence next to the photos that you submit for marketing and editorial promotional activity relating to the Metro Photo Challenge 2014.

Selection of the local winners and global grand prize winners:
1. The Challenge consists of two evaluation rounds (“Round One” and “Round Two”). Round One runs between November 18th- 26th, 2014. In Round One, each local jury will select three photos, one in each category, based on the Judging Criteria (as set out below). In addition to these three local winning photos, there will be a public vote, through which the local public will select three photos, one in each category, by using the vote button function as described below (section 6). The six photos from each country and the International Section will then be sent to the global final competition in Round Two. Local winners selected by the local juries and the public vote will be announced on November 28th, 2014.
2. Round Two runs from November 26th- December 3th, 2014. In Round Two, a global jury will, in its sole discretion, select one grand winner in each of the three categories based on the Judging Criteria. The three winners (the “Global Grand Winners”) will be announced on December 5th, 2014. The global jury will also nominate 1st and 2nd runners up in each category.
3. You may submit one or more photos in all categories but only one of your photos may be selected as a winning photo. If more than one of your photos are top ranked, the local and global juries will, in their sole discretion, select one of your photos that will compete in the local and global finals.
4. By participating in the Metro Photo Challenge 2014 you accept that the decisions taken by the local juries and global jury are final and binding and cannot be appealed.

Winners & prizes:

1. The three Global Grand Winners will each receive a publication of their winning photos in Metro worldwide. Exceptions might appear due to local legal restrictions.
2. The three Global Grand Winners will each receive a global grand prize described below (the “Global Grand Prize”).
3. The three (3) Global Grand winners, selected by the Global jury will each receive the Grand Prize which is a 5 days Photo Expedition to New York City, United States, in the first or second quarter of 2015. The Global Grand winners will be announced December 5th, 2014, and the exact dates when the New York Photo Expedition will take place will be communicated as soon as possible thereafter. The Global Grand Prize includes: Return trip flight from home country of the winners to New York City, United States; accommodation for the full stay in New York (4 nights); and activities, transportation and guiding throughout the stay. The Grand Prize is supplied by Metro International. The winner will be eligible to have his or her photos from the expedition used by our global editorial team, Metro World News, for possible publishing within our participating countries during 2015. However, Metro World News is not obliged to publish such photos. The Grand Prize has a total value of around 4000 EUR per person. The winner will be responsible for ensuring that he or she meets the requirements for obtaining visa for the United States. The winner will also be responsible for ensuring that he or she has adequate insurances and permits if applicable.
4. Metro may not be held responsible for any matter occurring to or caused by the winners during the travel and/or stay in New York city or in connection thereto. The limitation of liability for Metro includes, but is not limited to, any possible injuries, health problems, provided healthcare or hospital stays, damages caused by or to the winner in relation to any property belonging to the winner or third party , matters with authorities or other entities or any similar occurrences in relation to the travel and/or stay in New York city. It should further be noted that Metro will not arrange, provide or cover any insurances to the winner in relation to the New York city Photo Expedition.
5. For security reasons, you must be at least 18 years old to claim the Global Grand Prize. If you are under the age of 18, you cannot claim the Global Grand Prize. Instead, the 1st runner up in the relevant category will receive the Global Grand Prize.
6. Prizes are non-transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash. Metro has the right, at its sole discretion and at any time, to substitute a prize for another prize of equal or greater value. All prizes are awarded as is, and no warranties or guarantees beyond the standard manufacturer’s warranty are implied or expressed.
7. If you are selected as a winner, Metro will notify you by e-mail. You accept your prize by replying to the notification e-mail. In the event of non-acceptance of a prize within five (5) days of receipt of the notification e-mail, Metro reserves the right to reallocate the prize to another participant, in Metro’s sole discretion. If you are selected as a winner, you must pay any potential profit tax in relation to the prize.

The local daily winner:
1. Every day, a local daily winner is selected according to the local Metro terms and conditions. The selection is based on the number of votes of the entry on for the past 24 hours. The local daily winner may also be selected by a local jury.
2. The local daily winning photo will be published under the tab “Daily Winner” on the local section of and might, in some cases, be published in the local printed Metro edition. Being selected as a local daily winner has no direct impact on the result in the three categories of the Metro Photo Challenge 2014. The local daily winner is not awarded any prize.
3. If you are selected as a local daily winner, Metro may publish your photo and its title along with your name and surname.
4. Facebook likes, Facebook shares and similar are not considered as votes and will not be counted as such.

The public vote:
1. The public can vote for any photo, in any category, in any country. Each person may only vote once per photo per day by pressing the “vote button” on the local section of
2. Facebook likes, Facebook shares and similar are not considered as votes and will not be counted as such.

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