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Jordan : Membership of Companies and Trade Establishments at the Chamber

Name of the Organization : The Hashemite Kingdom
Type of Facility : Membership of Companies and Trade Establishments at the Chamber
Country : Jordan

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Membership of Companies at the Chamber :

The (ACC) registers individual trade companies and firms which practices their activities within the geographical boundaries of the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM).

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Related : The Hashemite Kingdom Jordan Issuance of Membership Card :

Registration with the (ACC) qualifies such companies and establishments to become (ACC) members and to benefit from the various services which the (ACC) extends to its members. Besides, registration with the (ACC) is one of the prerequisites for obtaining the Professional License issued by (GAM) and needed to practice the relevant profession.
Required Documents

First : Individual Establishments :
** Trade Register Document issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
** Commercial Name Document issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (if any).
** Original Lease Contract or Ownership Document along with Works Permit.
** Personal Identity Card issued by the Civil Status Department for the person authorized administratively to sign, for Jordanians, and Personal Identification Document, for non-Jordanians.

Second : General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, and Partnerships Limited by Shares:
** Companies Controller Register Document issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
** Commercial Name Document issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (if any).
** Original Lease Contract or Ownership Document along with Works Permit.
** Personal Identity Card issued by the Civil Status Department to Persons authorized to sign administratively, for Jordanians, and Personal Identification Document of administratively authorized signatories, for non-Jordanians.

Third : Public and Private Shareholding Companies, Limited Liability and Exempt Companies:
** Companies Controller Register Document issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
** Commercial Name Document issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (if any).
** Document indicating Company capital, names of partners or shareholders, shares, and authorized signatories issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
** Company Bylaws and Memorandum of Association.
** Original Lease Contract or Ownership Document along with Works Permit.
** Personal Identification Card issued by the Civil Status Department of the persons authorized to sign administratively, for Jordanians, and Personal Identification Document of administratively authorized signatories, for non-Jordanians.

Procedures :
** Refer to Information Desk to ascertain the documents required and to obtain your (turn) number.
** Wait at the hall allocated for visitors to the Members Services Department until your number is called through the automatic calling system.
** After receiving the application, the employee will enter the necessary data into the computer, indicating the sector to which the (ACC) member belongs. After concluding such data entry, the application will be ready for paying the fees.
** After paying the fees, the incumbent will be handed the Membership Certificate stamped with the (ACC) seal and signed by the employee authorized to sign on behalf of the (ACC).

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