Certification of Israeli Notarized document : Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Name of the Organization : Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Certification of Israeli Notarized documents
Country : Israel
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Official Website : https://www.gov.il/
Certification of Israeli Notarized documents :
** The Branch for Certification of Public Documents operates within the Consular Affairs
Related : MFA Issuing & extending travel documents Israel : www.statusin.org/5557.html
** Documents intended for countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention – will
** Documents intended for countries that are not signatories to the Hague Convention –
** According to the amendment to the Ordinance and in keeping with the collection of
** Moreover, it is stipulated, that the amount of the fee will be updated annually on 1
** The fee is currently 35 NIS for every Apostille document that will be issued (as of 1
** No fee will be collected for the certification of documents intended for countries that
Two options exist for paying the fee :
** Payment through the Postal Bank, Account No. 051093, Foreign Ministry.
** The receipt showing that payment was made must be presented upon receiving the
** Payment through the internet, through the Payment Server (by credit card only).
Notarized documents :
** The following is a list of judicial courts where one can obtain an Apostille certification of notarized documents.
** Comment – If the document is intended for a country which is not a signatory to the Hague Convention, additional certification is required from the Branch for Certification of Public Documents at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from the diplomatic mission of the respective country in Israel.
Writs of Inheritance :
** Writs of Inheritance from the Registrar for Matters of Inheritance
** Original document only.
** Authorized signature of official from the Registrar for Matters of Inheritance in the area of residence where the writ was signed.
Writs of Inheritance from the Judicial Courts :
** Original document or authoritative copy.
** Signature of the Chief Secretary of the Judicial Court where the writ was signed.
Rulings and Judgments of the Judicial Courts (but not of Tribunals*) :
** Photocopy of the ruling or judgment in its entirety.
** Authoritative seal of the Judicial Court where the ruling or judgment was rendered.
** Signature and Seal of the Chief Secretary or Deputy Chief Secretary of the Judicial Court where the ruling or judgment was rendered.
** Signature and Seal of the Registrar of the Supreme Court or the Deputy Director for the Judicial Courts certifying items B and C above.
** A Seal may be obtained at Bureau of Registrars, Supreme Court Mondays-Thursdays,
** An appointment must be made one day in advance
** Bureau of the Office of the Deputy Director for the Judicial Courts, 22 Kanfei Nesharim St., Jerusalem
** An appointment must be made one day in advance