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MOFA Issuance of Legal Authorization Iraq : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Issuance of Legal Authorization
Country : Iraq

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Issuance of Legal Authorization :

** large numbers of citizens residing abroad need to grant general or limited authorizations to be used by the people inside Iraq. The Consul needs to consider the following :

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** The authorization cannot be issued the Iraqi citizen still has the Iraq IDs.
** The authorizations are of two types : A- General authorization: authorizes the person who gets it the right to dispose all properties of the person who authorizes him.
** When the applicant submits his/her request, the Consul checks the applicant’s IDs
** Limited authorization : given for one or several specific issues, which gives the authorized a limited right to dispose within the specified issues, work, repercussions as required by the type of work or custom. For the purpose of following up a specific task or accomplish a specific job and ends with the end of its purpose (template No. 13).

instructions for issuing authorizations :
** The authorizer must appear in person in front of the Consul when issuing authorization.
** The full information for the authorizer must be written in the register depending on nationality card (Jinsiya) and nationality certificate (shahadat Al jinsiya) and not to rely on the passport (writing the number and date of release for each of the nationality card (Jinsiya) and nationality certificate (shahadat Al jinsiya) as the real estate departments rely during the purchase transaction on the nationality card (Jinsiya) and nationality certificate (shahadat Al jinsiya) to compare it with the information in the authorization.
** Accuracy in information of the authorizers and the authorized and the details of the authorizations.
** The Consul must write the full name of the authorizer and his/her permanent address and number and date of jinsiya and shahadat Al jinsiya.

vehicles selling authorizations :
** Model (1) is used for selling and driving vehicles.
** Model number (2) is used for driving a vehicle.
** Model No. (3) for purchase and registration of a vehicle.

Cancelling Authorizations :
Cancelling the authorization in accordance with the provisions of the civil law is done by the authorizer by filling template number (1) for the cancelling the authorized in an accurate way in addition to sending template number (2) to notify the authorized that is stamped by the consular stamp and the name and signature of the Consul to notify

About Us :
** The new Iraq inherited a heavy legacy of hostility and distrust as a result of the irresponsible policies of the former regime towards the neighboring and far countries which led to a decline in the country’s position in the international community.

** The Foreign Ministry in the new Iraq faced these challenges and still, to address that legacy in a bid to retrieve ‘s position that befits rich civilization heritage and its people and its riches.

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