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MOFA Issue Certificate of Ratification Iraq : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Issue Certificate of Ratification
Country : Iraq

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Issue Certificate of Ratification :

Ratification procedures of the stamp :
** The ratification of the stamp and signature, whether for institutions or individuals.

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Related : MOFA Issuance of Legal Authorization Iraq :

The concept of the ratification of document differs from the concept of the ratification of the signature; the first means the ratification of what is in the document, while the second means to ratify the validity of the signature after signing in front of the Consul and to identify the person or compare the signature with an existing signature previously in the mission in a formal way.

** Certificate of origin and trade lists.
** Graduation certificates or various school documents.

Basic terms of ratification :
** The ratification of a certificate of origin, also concentrates on the content as well as the stamp.
** The ratification of university or institute certificate after the ratification of the Foreign Ministry of the country that issued this certificate (in case the applicant is the ratification applicant is Iraqi), taking into account the fact that the institute or university is recognized in Iraq.
** Documents, lists, and certificates issued from inside Iraq may not be ratified unless they were certified by the Department of ratifications of the Consular Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and signed by the authorizing persons exclusively and stamped.
** A fee for the ratification of documents is taken accounting to receipt (37 a) its number and date on are written on the back of the authorization.

the procedures for the ratification process :
** The Consul signs it and stamps it with the stamp of the Consular Department.
** Taking the ratification fee under receipt number (37 a), writing its number and date on the back of the document.

fees of certificates of origin, trade lists, and certificates of inspection :
** The ratification of the aforementioned documents by commercial attaché or Iraqi the embassy to avoid forgery, providing that all copies have to be stamped on top to avoid cancelling any document (letter of the Consular Department No.
** Commercial lists’ and certificates of origin’s contents must be ratified, because the
** The ratification of the embassies or consulates of the manufacturing countries in the light of the certificate of origin exported to the Arab countries.
** The ratification of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Arab countries exporting goods such as re-exporting to Iraq on the ratification of the stamp of the Consulates of the manufacturing countries.
** Ratification fees of $160 per ratification and putting stamp on all pages.

About Us :
** The new Iraq inherited a heavy legacy of hostility and distrust as a result of the irresponsible policies of the former regime towards the neighboring and far countries which led to a decline in the country’s position in the international community.

** The Foreign Ministry in the new Iraq faced these challenges and still, to address that legacy in a bid to retrieve ‘s position that befits rich civilization heritage and its people and its riches.

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