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Organisation : Queensland Government
Facility Name : Register For Vaccination
Applicable For : Anyone
Country : Australia
Website : vaccinebookings [dot] health [dot] qld [dot] gov [dot] au

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Queensland Register For Vaccination

Eligible people can now book to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at a Queensland Health vaccination location.

Related / Similar Service : Queensland Health Vaccination Locations

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How to Register?

1. If you are aged 60 or over there are a number of ways you can book an appointment to get the COVID-19 vaccine

** General Practitioner-led respiratory clinics
** Selected General Practices
** Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Services
** Selected Community Pharmacies

2. If you are aged 60 or over and have a referral from your GP

Steps :
Step 1 : Please complete the form below to Register your Interest. Those fields with a red asterisk * are mandatory to complete.

Step 2 : For the Cohort field please select from the drop down list the one that best aligns with the questions you answered yes to in the Eligibility Checker.

Step 3 : We will be in contact with you (via email) when appointments become available. Availability of appointments can be delayed by vaccine supply, the number of other citizens wanting to be vaccinated and/or the timing of vaccine clinics set up in your geographical area.

Step 4 : If you are unsure what to enter in the fields or are having difficulties entering an email address please call 134 COVID (13 42 68).
Step 5 : We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our COVID-19 vaccine clinics.

Note :
** If you are a person with a disability, please select ‘Persons 16 and over with an underlying medical condition, including people with a disability’. If you are a carer of a person with a disability, please select ‘Other healthcare workers, including carers and support volunteers’.

** Once registered, we will be in contact with you when appointments become available.

** Once you have received an invitation to make an appointment for your COVID-19 vaccination, you’ll first need to create an account in the booking system. Watch the booking tutorial video below for the steps to follow to book an appointment at a Queensland Health vaccination location.


1. How can I book an appointment at a Queensland Health vaccination location as my GP does not provide the recommended vaccine for my age group?
Check your eligibility and make a booking via the Vaccine Eligibility Checker. If eligible, you will be directed to register online for an appointment at a Queensland Health vaccination location. For further information contact 134 COVID (13 42 68).

2. Can someone book an appointment on my behalf?
Yes. This can be done via the Vaccine Eligibility Checker or the person assisting you can call 134 COVID (13 42 68) available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

3. Will the first and second appointments be booked at the same time?
You should be booked in for your second dose appointment, before you leave your first dose appointment.

4. How can I have an interpreter at my appointment?
When you arrive at your vaccination location, let a staff member know that you need an interpreter. They can arrange this for you.

5. How long does it take for my vaccination appointment?
When coming for your vaccination appointment, allow around 45 minutes for your appointment. This allows time for your patient screening, the actual vaccination and observation time after the injection.

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