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Prohibited Immigrant Malaysia : Immigration Department

Name of the Organization : Immigration Department of Malaysia
Type of Facility : Prohibited Immigrant
Country : Malaysia

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Prohibited Immigrant:

1. A Prohibited immigrant is any person who, in the opinion of the Director General :
Is a member of any of the prohibited classes as defined in subsection (3) and is not a citizen

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2. Subject to any exemption granted under section 55 :
no prohibited immigrant who is a member of the prohibited class defined in paragraph (3)(o) shall enter Malaysia or, where he becomes a member of such a prohibited class after he has entered Malaysia, remains in Malaysia; and

no other prohibited immigrant shall enter Malaysia, unless he is in possession of a valid Pass issued to a prohibited immigrant under specific regulations made under this Act.

3. The following persons are classified as prohibited immigrants :
** Any person who is unable to show that he has the means of supporting himself and his dependants (if any) or that he has definite employment awaiting him or who is likely to become a pauper or a burden to the public;
** Any person who suffers from mental disorder or mental defect, or suffers from a contagious disease which makes his presence in Malaysia a danger to the community;
** Any person who refuses to undergo a medical examination after being required to do so by an Immigration Officer;
** Any person who has been convicted in any country or state of any offence and sentenced to imprisonment for any term, and has not received a free pardon and by reason of the circumstances connected with the conviction is deemed by the Director General to be an undesirable immigrant;
** Any person who is a prostitute or who is living or receiving the proceeds of prostitution or has lived on or received the proceeds of prostitution prior to entering Malaysia
** Any person who procures or attempts to bring prostitutes or women or girls into Malaysia for the purpose of prostitution or other immoral purpose;
** Any person who is a vagrant or habitual beggar;
** Any person whose entry into Malaysia was unlawful under this or any written law enforced at that time;
** Anyone who believes in or advocates the overthrow of any government, constituted law or authority in Malaysia by force or violence or who disbelieves in or is opposed to the established government, or who advocates the assassination of public officials, or who advocates or teaches the unlawful destruction of property;
** Anyone who is a member of or is affiliated with any organisation that entertains or teaches disbelief in or opposition to the established government or advocates or teaches the need for unlawful assaulting or killing of any official, specific or general, or of any government in Malaysia or any established government or advocates or teaches the unlawful destruction of property.
** Anyone who as a result of reliable unfavourable information received from any source, from any government, through official or diplomatic channels, is deemed by the Minister to be an undesirable immigrant;
** Anyone who has been removed from any country or state by the government of that country or state on repatriation grounds, by reason of the circumstances connected therewith, is deemed by the Director General to be an undesirable immigrant;
** Anyone who, being required by any written law to be in possession of valid travel documents, is not in possession of such documents or is in possession of forged documents;
** The family and dependants of a prohibited immigrant;
** Any member of a class of persons, against whom an order to cancel any pass or permit has been made.

4. The burden of proof on the person asserting the claim that he is not a prohibited immigrant seeking to enter Malaysia shall lie upon that person.

5. Subject to any exemption granted under section 55, any prohibited immigrant entering Malaysia other than in accordance with a valid Pass lawfully issued to him, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.

6. Except where a person is a prohibited immigrant under paragraph (3)(o), any person in possession of a Permit issued to him under this Act who, upon his arrival in Malaysia, is refused permission to enter upon the grounds that he is a prohibited immigrant, may appeal against the refusal within a stipulated time and manner, to the Minister, whose decision shall be final:

Notwithstanding sections 24 and 26, any person who appeals against such refusal shall be permitted to disembark and shall be detained in an immigration depot pending the determination of his appeal, unless he is released on a Pass issued at the discretion of the Director General for surety reasons or otherwise as the Director General may deem fit.

For an appeal from a person in an East Malaysian State in certain circumstances see para. 6(1) (a), subsections (5) and (6), Immigration (Transitional Provisions) Order 1963 (F.L.N. 226/63).

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