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Normal Permission For Deported Moroccans : Morocco

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Type of Facility : Normal Permission For Deported Moroccans
Country : Morocco

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Normal Permission For Deported Moroccans :

The passis a short-term travel document and it is one month valid. It is issued in exceptional circumstances to applicants not having a passport, and whose identity and Moroccan nationality have been checked, to enable them to return to Morocco.

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Related : Registration of Marriage Contract at Moroccan Consulates Abroad :

It is valid for a single trip. In case of the deportation of a Moroccan by the host country, the authorities of that country may apply to the consular district having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the person to get a pass.

Moroccan nationals abroad

Required documents:
** National identity card or identification issued by the National Security General Directorate;
** Two photographs;
** In case of deportation, application to obtain a pass, provided by the country of residence;
** Copy of deportation decision;

Place of submission:
Consular district having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant

Place of issue:
Consular district having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant
Ways of claims:
Al-Wassit institution (mediator)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Sources of information (home department):
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

‘pass’ to forwarders having lost their passports and without any documents proving their Moroccan citizenship :
The pass is a short-term travel document and it is one month valid. It is issued in exceptional circumstances to applicants not having a passport, and whose identity and Moroccan nationality have been checked, to enable them to return to Morocco. It is valid for a single trip.

Applicant : Forwarders
Required documents : Declaration of loss or theft of passport
Place of submission : Consular district having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant
Place of issue : Consular district having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant

Contact : Consular district having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant, in collaboration with central offices of the National Security General Directorate
Sources of information (home department) : Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Individual documents :
This section comprises the various necessary measures to obtain some documents. Such documents will often be required as parts of administrative processes both in Morocco and abroad.

The following documents are listed for instance : national identity card, documents related to civil status, passes…etc

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