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Apply For Securities Investment Plan : Bank Austria

Name of the Organization : Bank Austria
Type of Facility : Apply For Securities Investment Plan
Country : Austria

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Apply For Securities Investment Plan :

Main features:
** Offers many opportunities for capital growth via funds.
** Large selection of funds.

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Related : Bank Austria International Bank Account Number Online Check :

** Minimum investment of an initial payment of EUR 2,500 and monthly payments of EUR 40.
** Convenient payment with a standing order or a dynamic standing order.
** Immediate investment of all payments.
** Cost-average effect.
** No fixed term, recommended minimum period for contributions to the investment scheme is 6 years.
** 24-hour access to the performance of your investments via OnlineBanking and TelefonBanking.
** Investor protection for mutual fund investors: the fund assets are special assets which are not part of the investment management company’s assets.

Before investing in the “WertpapierPlan” Securities Investment Plan please read carefully through the subsequent section entitled “Investors should note the following/Important risk disclosure”and the prospectus of the fund selected by you.

Our offer:
The big world of securities – in small monthly instalments
With an initial payment and small monthly instalments you can now participate in capital markets and see your money grow. Because the Securities Investment Plan gives you access to the broad range of securities investments via funds.

We offer a wide selection of funds from which you can choose the fund that best suits your needs in terms of risk, your investment horizon and your investment objective. The Securities Investment Plan can be tailored to meet your specific investment goals.

At a personal meeting, your relationship manager will select the fund that best suits your needs, while informing you of the risks and opportunities of the fund and of all costs and charges.

Risk disclosure:

Investors should note the following/Important risk disclosure:
1. The Securities Investment Plan is not suitable for investors who want to invest money in the short term. It is only suitable for investors who can accept price fluctuations over the investment term and are willing to bear the higher risks of an investment in securities.
2. Prices of the selected fund may fluctuate as a result of capital market trends, so that the net asset value of fund units may, at the time the units are sold, be above or below the original market value when they were bought.
** In the case of equity funds, investors should note that there is also a share
** price risk and the risk of default.
** Bond funds are in particular subject to the risk of changes in interest rates,
** price fluctuations, and the credit/issuer/default risk.
** Real estate funds are susceptible to fluctuations as a result of economic or
** capital market trends. These may be accompanied by other risks such as
** currency risk, risk of inflation, counterparty risk, liquidity risk and valuation
** risk. Under certain circumstances, the investor may therefore lose all of the
** capital invested.
3. The fund selected by the investor does not offer any guarantee against loss of capital and income.
4. The fees, charges and taxes payable by the investor are also outlined in the folder which can be downloaded from this website. These diminish the return, especially when fund units are sold.

If you have any questions, please call us at +43 (0)5 05 05 – 25

Apply Now:

Important note:
This marketing information is not an investment recommendation and is not intended as investment advice. In particular, it is not an offer or invitation to buy or sell securities. It is intended only as initial information and is not a substitute for advice provided on the basis of the investor’s individual circumstances. Every capital investment involves a certain degree of risk.

The value of the investment and the return generated by the investment may fluctuate suddenly and to a considerable extent, and cannot therefore be guaranteed. It is possible that the investor may not receive all the invested capital back, especially if capital is only invested for a short period.

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