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Name of the Organization : Motor Vehicle Traders Register
Type of Facility : Renew Your Registration Online
Country : New Zealand

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Motor Traders Renew Your Registration Online

Renewing your registration is simple. There are two ways you can renew your application to continue as a registered motor vehicle trader – online or paper.

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Related : Motor Vehicle Traders Register Maintain Your Registration Online New Zealand :

Online :
The quickest and easiest way to complete an application is to use our online service available through Renew my registration.

Paper :
Open the relevant application form, type in the requisite data (using the tab key or mouse to navigate from field to field), print out and post to the address on the form.

Paper forms:
If you prefer to fill out paper forms and post them to our office for processing, forms for renewal are available here. Enter the relevant data and print the forms out.

Ensure that the certificates have been completed by all applicants and have been signed and dated.

Post all documents, including payment, to the address on the form.

Provided all information contained in the renewal application is correct, your application will be processed within three working days of receipt and a new certificate of registration posted to you.

Online service :

Select Renew my registration from the left hand menu
** Enter your ‘MVT File number’ and ‘MVT Key’.
** Select Continue.
** The ‘Application for Motor Vehicle Trader’ menu screen will be displayed.
** Check your application information recorded online is current. Make changes to update your application as required.
** Select the Renew Registration button from the ‘Application for Motor Vehicle Trader’ screen.
** The ‘Pay Now’ screen will be displayed.
** Submit the $595.95 (GST inclusive) renewal fee. After payment of the fee, a confirmation screen will be displayed and the required certificates, along with an invoice, will be emailed to you.
** These documents, in which each person confirms that they are not disqualified from registration as a motor vehicle trader, must be signed by each person and returned to our office.
** You have 20 days in which to complete and fax the certificates back to our office.
** Note | The sooner you return your correctly completed certificates, the sooner your registration as a motor vehicle trader will be renewed.
** On receipt of all required certificates, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment staff will carry out a pre-renewal check. If the requirements are met, the registration will be renewed and a new certificate of registration will be emailed within 24 hours during the business week.
** Note | If a problem is found with your renewal and registration cannot be completed, you will be sent a letter outlining the problem, and advising the steps required to complete the registration process.

Renew your registration now:

Note :
Ensure you have your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Diners, American Express) available as payment of the $595.95 fee will be required during this process.

Statutory declarations and certificates:
Changes to the Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003 (introduced in the Motor Vehicle Sales Amendment Act 2010), removed the requirement for witnessed statutory declarations to be completed when a registered motor vehicle trader renews their current registration. Instead a certificate can be completed.

What is the difference between a statutory declaration and a certificate?:
The certificate confirms that you are not disqualified from registration as a motor vehicle trader in your own right in terms of sections 24 or 25 of the MVSA, and does not need to be witnessed by a person authorised under the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957.

The statutory declaration form is split into three parts. See below for an explanation of which part may apply to you.

Part A – Individual Trader:
If you are renewing your existing motor vehicle trader registration you need to sign Part A of the statutory declaration / certificate form. The certificate must be signed by the individual concerned and does not have to be witnessed by a person authorised under the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957.

Please note, if you are completing a new application to become a registered motor vehicle trader you must complete Part C (the statutory declaration) and have the form witnessed by a person authorised under the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957.

Part B and Part C – Company Trader:
If you are a company trader and you are renewing your existing motor vehicle trader registration you need to sign Part B of the statutory declaration /certificate form. Note, only one person concerned in the management of the company is required to sign a certificate confirming that every person concerned in the management of the company is not disqualified from registration as a motor vehicle trader in his or her own.

The certificate must be signed by the individual concerned and does not have to be witnessed by a person authorised under the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957.

Please note, if you are a company trader and you are completing a new application to become a registered motor vehicle trader, each person concerned in the management of the company must complete a statutory declaration (Part C of the form) stating that they are not disqualified from registering as a motor vehicle trader.

However, if a person involved in the management of the company ordinarily spends fewer than 300 days each calendar year in New Zealand, that person can sign a certificate stating that they are not disqualified from registering as a motor vehicle trader.

How long does renewal take?:
Online application – provided there are no problems with your application for renewal, once all correctly completed certificates have been returned your application will be processed and renewed within 24 hours.

Paper application – provided all forms have been completed correctly and that there are no problems with your application for renewal, your application will be processed and renewed within three working days.

Common problems with renewal applications:
Director details in the motor vehicle trader application do not match those of the registered company.
** The SUBMIT application button has not been clicked (for online applications).
** Information in a certificate does not match the information recorded in the application, that is, the name differs, date of birth or address are different.
** Some or all certificates have not been returned to the Registrar to complete your application.

If a problem is found with your renewal and registration cannot be completed, you will be sent an email outlining the problem, and advising the steps required to complete the registration process.

Important :
If you believe you have submitted all documents necessary to register as a motor vehicle trader but have not received a Certificate of Registration within five working days of submission, please call us on freephone 0508 668 678.

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