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MOIC Industrial Services System Bahrain : Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Organisation : Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC)
Facility Name : Industrial Services System
Country : Bahrain
Website :

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How To Access MOIC Industrial Services System?

Industrial Services System -Industrial Development Directorate -provides several services to the factories owners such as Industrial licenses amendments, Industrial registration for existing and new operated factories and Duty exemption for the existing and new factories for industry inputs (machineries, equipment’s, raw materials and spare parts). ​

Related / Similar Facility : MOIC Industrial Land Application Bahrain

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** Click on Industry Services System.
** Sign in using the electronic key (e-key).
** Choose the desired service.
** Search for your factory by commercial registration number, industrial license number or industrial registration number.
** Fill in the required information and upload the mandatory/optional documents.
** You will receive an email of your application number.
** All communication will be via the system and you will be notified by emails.
** You will receive a completion email when your application is completed.

FAQ On MOIC Industrial Development

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On MOIC Industrial Development

Who is the targeted category to benefit from the mark?
National industrial entities within the Kingdom of Bahrain.​​

What are the items that can be exempted from custom duties?
Exemption covers machinery, equipment, spare parts, raw materials, semi-manufactured materials, and packaging materials required for immediate production.​

What is the validity of the duty exemption?
​It is valid for two years, subject to renewal.

What is the definition of Made in Bahrain mark?
​It is a mark granted to National factories licensed by MOICT where items produced are made of 35%* or more of domestic content. This mark is given to catalyze Bahraini industry through supporting local production and bringing consumers closer to the National product.​

What is the validity of made in Bahrain mark certificate?
One year such term should be in line with the entity’s industrial registration validity​​

What are the fees to obtaining a made in Bahrain mark certificate?
There are no fees for made in Bahrain mark ​​

What is the requirement of granting made in Bahrain mark to national factories?
** The factory must hold an active license and industrial registration.
** The domestic content must be equivalent to 35% or higher in the National products made by the entity.
** Registering via the MoIC website.

What are the aims of the mark?
** Diversifying income sources and heightening the contribution of non-oil sectors in the National Economy.
** Supporting the National product by instilling 3 main principles: fairness, sustainability, and competitiveness.
** Bringing consumers closer to the National product and building confidence in local industrial capabilities.
** Substituting the imported products with the National product.
** Promoting the National product in the local, regional and international markets.
** Encouraging factories to produce premium products of high quality and value.

MOIC Industrial Services System Contact

Industrial Development Directorate​
Address: Bahrain Financial Harbour – Manama
Telephone: (+9​73) 17568046
Fax: +973 17581538
P.O. Box: 60667
Email: heahmed​ [AT]​​​​

Industrial License Service:
Telephone: (+973) 17359001​
Email: iddoperations​ [AT]

Industrial Registration Service​:
Telephone: (+973) 17359000​​
Email: iddinfo​​ [AT]

Duty Exemption Service​​:
Telephone: (+973) 17568049 -(+973) 17568047​
Email: de​​​ [AT]

Made in Bahrain Service​​​:
Telephone: (+973) 17359002​​
Email: mibm​​​​ [AT]

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