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AIPO Industrial Design Application : Armenia Intellectual Property Office

Organisation : Armenia Intellectual Property Office (AIPO)
Facility Name : Apply For Industrial Design
Country : Armenia
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What is Industrial Design?

Industrial design is an ornamental or aesthetic solution to the appearance of an object. Design can be dimensional, such as the shape or surface of an object, or have two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines, or colors. Industrial designs are a variety of industrial and household products, from technical and medical equipment to watches, jewelry, and other valuables, from household items and electrical equipment to automobiles and architectural structures.

Related / Similar Facility : AIPO Copyright Armenia

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Who Can Apply For Industrial Design?

** The application is submitted to the Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of Economy of the RA (hereinafter referred to as the Office) by the author, employer, or their successor, i.e. the person who owns the right to obtain a patent and in whose name the patent is requested (hereinafter referred to as the applicant).
** The mentioned people can apply personally or through a patent attorney registered in the authorized body.
** According to the current legislation, foreign legal entities and natural persons permanently residing outside of the Republic of Armenia carry out the paperwork with the Office through patent attorneys registered in the Office, unless otherwise stipulated by the international treaties of the Republic of Armenia.
** Such an approach is highlighted by the fact that the paperwork carried out with the applications of the above-mentioned applicants becomes easier and economically more expedient.
** On the other hand, such an approach serves as a basis for the principle of reciprocity to be applied in the international agreements of the Republic of Armenia, according to which people with a permanent place of residence in the Republic of Armenia and legal entities of the Republic of Armenia also receive the same rights in the country that is a party to the agreement.
** Currently, the Republic of Armenia has an agreement with several CIS countries, including the Russian Federation and Georgia.
** On the other hand, the law allows legal entities and natural persons of the Republic of Armenia to directly apply to the Office, without resorting to the help of a patent attorney, if they have sufficient experience and skill in handling matters related to obtaining a patent on their own.

How To Apply For Industrial Design in Armenia?

** The industrial design application can be submitted to the Office directly (by hand), by postal delivery or through the electronic system of the Office’s website. The address of the office is: Republic of Armenia, Yerevan 0010, M. Mkrtchyan 5/1.
** The process of obtaining a patent begins by filling out the necessary documents and submitting the appropriate application to the Office.

Fees For Industrial Design Application

To register an application for an industrial design patent, conduct a preliminary examination of the application, and make a decision based on its results, the RA Law “On State Fee” defines a state fee:

** for individuals and legal entities with up to 25 employees: AMD 5,000 (five thousand).
** for legal entities with 25 to 100 employees: 10,000 (ten thousand) AMD.
** for legal entities with 100 or more employees: 20,000 (twenty thousand) AMD.

For each industrial design included in the submitted application, an additional 8000 (eight thousand) drams (the system of discounts applies).

Simultaneously with the above-mentioned state duty the following state fees are paid:
** the state fee set for the examination of the merits of the industrial design application and making a decision based on its results: 30,000 (thirty thousand) drams (the stated state fee is not discounted), and
** state duty for each more than one industrial design included in the application: an additional 20,000 (twenty thousand) AMD (state duty is not discounted).

For example, if the application is submitted by an individual and 3 industrial designs are included in the application, the state fee for registering the application will be 5000 AMD + 1250 AMD + 1250 AMD = 7500 AMD.

The state fee set for examining the merits will be 30,000 AMD + 20,000 AMD + 20,000 AMD = 70,000 AMD. The established state duty must be paid to the state budget bank account No. 900005016200.

Validity Period of Industrial Design Protection

** The period of validity of the industrial design protection patent is five years, counting from the date of submission of the application.
** The period of validity of an industrial design patent can be extended one or more times, each time for five years, in total until the expiration of twenty-five years from the date of submission of the application.

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