Online Pension Portal Belgium
Organization : Federal Pensions Service
Facility : Online Pension Portal
Country : Belgium
Website :
Pension Portal :
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What is
The website is an online pension portal for personalized information concerning your statutory and supplementary pensions. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Federal Pensions Service (FPS), the National Institute for the Social Security of the Self-employed (NISSE) and Sigedis.
Even though we aspire to make your visit to an agreeable experience, you may encounter a technical barrier or find yourself faced with unclear information. We endeavour to answer any questions you may have here. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or if you want to give constructive feedback about
How To Login To
eID Login:
You will need an eID card reader that can read electronic identity cards. You first have to install the eID software on your computer. You can download this from the website
We advise you to always check the option Validate digital trust certificate in the eID Viewer. Please do so in the following way:
** Open the eID Viewer
** Go to the tab Certificates
** At the bottom of this tab you will see the option Always validate digital trust certificates
** Check this option (if this had not yet been done yet) and
** Click on the button Validate now.
Please makes sure you are always using the latest version of the software. This also applies to the operating system of your computer and the browsers you use. If you experience problems, using another browser may solve them.
itsme Login:
itsme is a mobile app for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android and can substitute your eID as a means of identification. You can download it for free from the App Store or Google Play. Download the itsme app on your smartphone and register an itsme account.
Read more about registering your itsme account on the itsme website:
Do you have a Belgian eID or a Belgian account with BNP Parisbas Fortis, Belfius, KBC, ING, Hello Bank or Fintro?
Do you have a Dutch ID or passport (with NFC)?
Do you have a Luxembourg eID with NFC?
You can then easily log in to with the itsme app.
** Visit via
** if you are using a desktop or laptop computer, first enter your mobile phone number or scan the QR code and then open the itsme app on your smartphone;
** your smartphone, the itsme app will open automatically.
Confirm the login by entering your security code (or fingerprint) in the itsme app.
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On
Can I register abroad via eID?
If you have a valid Belgian eID and the certificates (PIN/PUK) have been activated, you can use your eID to register from abroad. Of course, you must observe the things mentioned on the page What should I definitely pay attention to when I register via eID?.
If you officially live abroad, you can apply for a Belgian eID via the application form on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After receipt, the eID must still be activated at a Belgian consular post or a Belgian municipality.
Where can I find answers to my questions about eID?
If you have questions about eID, please consult the website
How can I log on using my authorized European log-on method?
** Click on Log on in the top right corner, and subsequently click on eID, single-use code or itsme.
** At the bottom, you will see an extra option Log on with an authorized European log-on method.
** Click there. You will now see an overview of the countries for which you can already use eIDAS.
Is your country missing from this overview? That is possible. Other countries will be added as soon as possible. For more information about the use of your authorized European log-on method (eIDAS), you can turn to the CSAM Help centre.